Financial Aid Articles

Important News About the FAFSA Form (Updated March 2025)

Important News About the FAFSA Form (Updated March 2025)

If you've got a kid who'll be in college, tech school, or grad school in the fall of 2025, you need this article. Skim over the main points, and then come back and read the ones you need most. This information is current as of March 1st, 2025. If you have younger...

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10 Colleges With SMOKIN’ HOT Financial Aid Packages

10 Colleges With SMOKIN’ HOT Financial Aid Packages

The Princeton Review has come out with a list of 10 colleges that offer students especially generous financial aid packages. As you look at the list below, remember—generous financial aid packages go to families who apply for them. Parents, please—always fill out the...

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There’s Medical-Based Financial Aid? YES!

There’s Medical-Based Financial Aid? YES!

If your child has even a relatively minor medical problem, he or she may qualify for medical-based financial aid to help pay for college. The key thing to know is—medical-based financial aid isn't applied for the regular way (through the FAFSA form). Families apply...

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What’s the #1 Best-Selling College Financial Aid Book?

What’s the #1 Best-Selling College Financial Aid Book?

In 2021, my book LAUNCH hit #8 on Book Authority's list of 51 Best-Selling College Financial Aid Books of All Time. I was excited! But then I thought: "OK—which book is the #1 best-selling college financial aid book of all time?" I was overjoyed to see that the #1...

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Debt-Free College Training—Fast and Easy

Debt-Free College Training—Fast and Easy

Watch just one of the short, succinct video trainings below, and you'll be on the fast track to getting the kids you love through college debt-free.  If you've got a bright, capable middle schooler or high schooler headed for college—you're probably wondering, "How...

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College Financing: Should Kids Just Do It Themselves?

College Financing: Should Kids Just Do It Themselves?

Some parents try to save a little time, energy, and money by putting their kids in charge of planning their own college financing.  “She's nearly an adult—let her figure it out herself and live with the consequences,” some parents think. But—is it actually a good idea...

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How Filling Out the FAFSA Protects Your Kid

How Filling Out the FAFSA Protects Your Kid

Filling out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) sounds like the best deal in the world.  Honestly. You as a parent spend just a little bit of time entering information into a clear, safe online form, and a kid you love magically gets put in line for...

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Should You Fill Out the FAFSA on Your Phone?

Should You Fill Out the FAFSA on Your Phone?

This article has been updated. You’ll find my most current information about the FAFSA financial aid form here. (See you over there!) —Jeannie Burlowski It’s a reference book, so nobody reads the whole thing cover to cover. Pick out what you need to read in it using...

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That Local State University May NOT Be Your Bargain Option

That Local State University May NOT Be Your Bargain Option

Many parents have only one strategy for lowering college costs. Send the kid to the local state university. But is your local state university actually your bargain option—considering all the factors involved? The hidden costs of state university nobody talks about At...

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Can Parents Call the College Financial Aid Office?

Can Parents Call the College Financial Aid Office?

If you're parenting a teen, there's a good chance that sometime during the winter of your child's senior year of high school, you're going to be flipping through documents called "financial aid award letters." You'll have a "financial aid award letter" from every...

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One Call Can Increase Admissions Chances by 40%

One Call Can Increase Admissions Chances by 40%

Weeks or months after your daughter has finished up all her college applications, you may find yourself wondering, "Is there anything else she can do to increase admissions chances—well after her applications have been submitted?" Yes, there is. Research shows that...

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7 Reasons to Fill Out FAFSA — Even If You’re Rich

7 Reasons to Fill Out FAFSA — Even If You’re Rich

You’d love for your son to get loads of free money financial aid to help him pay for college, but you’re pretty sure he won’t qualify for much. Your family lives comfortably, after all. You aren’t poor. You wonder if filling out financial aid forms is even worth your...

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Want More College Money? Avoid These Costly FAFSA Mistakes

Want More College Money? Avoid These Costly FAFSA Mistakes

This article has been updated. You’ll find my most current information about the FAFSA financial aid form here. (See you over there!) —Jeannie Burlowski It’s a reference book, so nobody reads the whole thing cover to cover. Pick out what you need to read in it using...

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Why You Should Never Cosign a Student Loan

Why You Should Never Cosign a Student Loan

Parent, I urge you: DO NOT cosign a student loan for your child. Today I'm featuring information from an article by nationally syndicated radio host and author Clark Howard. I consider this to be must-read info for every parent. After you read below, you can find...

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Which Colleges Are Still Taking Applications?

Which Colleges Are Still Taking Applications?

Ben and his parents sat up late at their dining room table, combing through all of Ben's college financial aid numbers one more time. Ben's dad ran his fingers nervously through his hair. The problem? It was already summer, and every college that had accepted Ben for...

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Ordinary Students—Extraordinary Financial Aid

Ordinary Students—Extraordinary Financial Aid

You'd love for your son to get loads of free money financial aid to help him pay for college, but you're pretty sure he won't qualify for much. Your family lives comfortably, after all. You aren't poor. You wonder if filling out financial aid forms is even worth your...

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Buy LAUNCH Before 1/11/17 — Get Bonuses Worth $248

Buy LAUNCH Before 1/11/17 — Get Bonuses Worth $248

Today I'm announcing the extra bonuses your family will receive if you purchase LAUNCH by January 11, 2017. Bonus #1 You and your immediate family will be invited to attend an online MasterClass with live Q&A with me, the author -- at no charge to you. This online...

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URGENT Info For Parents of 9th Graders

URGENT Info For Parents of 9th Graders

Today I'm helping financial professionals across the nation to spread the word. There's urgent financial aid info for parents of 9th graders. Yes I'm serious—9th graders. Parents, there are some things you need to know right now—so you can carefully protect your...

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5 Things to Do With That Student Aid Report (SAR)

5 Things to Do With That Student Aid Report (SAR)

Lately I've been talking a lot about parents filling out the FAFSA financial aid form even if they're rich. (If you've got a kid who'll be in college next year, you need to do this.) But what's the next step after that? About 2–3 weeks after you fill out the FAFSA...

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5 Places to Get Help With College Financial Aid Forms

5 Places to Get Help With College Financial Aid Forms

Are you filling out financial aid forms for a kid who'll be in college next fall? Great. The fall before he or she enters college is the perfect time to do that. But what do you do if you get stuck? Where do you go to get help with college financial aid forms? Here...

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Want More Scholarships? GPA Matters Less Than You Think.

Want More Scholarships? GPA Matters Less Than You Think.

You'd love for your college-bound teen to get more scholarships, but you worry that his GPA just isn't high enough. Am I right? Well, worry no more. Good news. There are thousands of college scholarships available to students with GPAs as low as 2.50. I'll give you...

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3 Ways KIDS Can Get More Financial Aid For College

3 Ways KIDS Can Get More Financial Aid For College

Is your child a senior in high school, or older? This post is part 2 of a 2-part series on what to do each September to make sure the FAFSA form you fill out in early October will get your child maximum financial aid for college. To read part 1 of this very important...

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Top 5 Lies We Tell Kids About College

Top 5 Lies We Tell Kids About College

This post is a scary one. But read all the way down to the red print at the bottom and I'll give you a boatload of hope about college. 1. "If you don't get into a good college, you won't be able to get a good job when you graduate." This statement is completely and...

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What Does ROMANCE Have To Do With Financial Aid?

What Does ROMANCE Have To Do With Financial Aid?

Note: This article isn't just about financial aid. If you're currently trapped in a physically, mentally, emotionally, or sexually abusive domestic situation, there's specific help for you in this article. In just a matter of days, Valentine's Day will be over for...

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Your Kid Actually CAN Get Through College Debt Free

Your Kid Actually CAN Get Through College Debt Free

I'm always most able to inspire people when I talk to them face-to-face. The video above gives me the chance to do that, for you, right now. Click the play button above now; watch for just two minutes. And let this excited, hopeful feeling wash over you:  Kids at all...

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A Big Announcement and a Favor

A Big Announcement and a Favor

Today I have a big announcement to make!  And a quick favor to ask. First, an exciting update  For the last year, I've been on a beeline to having my book LAUNCH:  How to Get Your Kids Through College Debt Free and Into Jobs They Love Afterward out in December of...

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“HELP! My Parents Are Refusing to Help Me!”

“HELP! My Parents Are Refusing to Help Me!”

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post for parents who erroneously believe that if they'll just refuse to put their financial info on their child's FAFSA form, their child will get additional financial aid for college. Student, if your parents are refusing to help...

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Can’t My College Kid Just Declare Independence From Me?

Can’t My College Kid Just Declare Independence From Me?

The dad was smiling at me, like he had a special secret that no one else knew. He folded his arms, rocked back on his heels, and got ready to tell me just why he was never going to need my help getting his kids' college paid for. “I don’t have to worry about that,” he...

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Two Words That Can Turn YOUR TEENS Into Millionaires

Two Words That Can Turn YOUR TEENS Into Millionaires

13-year-old Chicago resident Michael wanted to become a millionaire, but he didn't want to work 86 years at the Illinois minimum wage in order to get there. How could this middle schooler accomplish his goal without turning to crime or workaholism? This inspiring...

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The TEDx Talk Every Parent Needs to Hear

Today I'm featuring a 16 minute TEDx talk on student loan debt by Adam Carroll. This is a must-listen for every parent.   Listen while you're getting ready for work in the morning, commuting, or cooking dinner.  It'll change everything you've ever believed about...

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Hi, I’m Jeannie Burlowski.

I am a full-time academic strategist, conference speaker, and author of the book “LAUNCH: How to Get Your Kids Through College Debt-Free and Into Jobs They Love Afterward.

My writing and speaking provide parents a clear, step-by-step checklist so they can set their kids up to succeed brilliantly in college, graduate debt-free, and move directly into careers they excel at and love.

For more than 20 years, I’ve helped students apply to highly competitive law, medical, business, and grad schools. I still do that from my website

I am married, and my husband and I have a son and a daughter. We live in Minneapolis.

More about me …

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