I wrote this article on creating a strong med school application at the request of the Harvard Crimson. You'd love to put together a med school application so strong that it both gets you in, and gets you money to help pay for med school. Other students are...
Scholarships Articles
Scholarships? Easy Peasy—Starting In 8th Grade (Free Webinar)
This month I'm making applying for scholarships easier than ever. Join me for a free webinar designed to whet your kid's appetite for applying for scholarships. In just one hour, you and your kids will hear me teach a short-cut, two-step strategy that helps students...
Want College Scholarships? These 4 Resources Will Help
Most of my writing and speaking is about getting kids through college debt-free without scholarships—but people have been asking me lately, "Can kids apply for scholarships well before 12th grade—and then all the way through college?" Yes! Here, 4 great resources for...
Debt-Free College Training—Fast and Easy
Watch just one of the short, succinct video trainings below, and you'll be on the fast track to getting the kids you love through college debt-free. If you've got a bright, capable middle schooler or high schooler headed for college—you're probably wondering, "How...
In College? Do This and Slash Your Student Loan Debt
If you're currently in college—or if you're a parent who's taken out dreaded Parent PLUS loans—you'd love for a hero in a red cape to swoop down and tell you how to slash your student loan debt. The hero is here. 1. Slash your student loan debt by applying for...
12 Ways to Get Grad School Paid For
So, your kid just got into law school, medical school, or graduate school. That's great! Now you're wondering, "What can students do to get these programs paid for?" Here are the 12 ways I give to my clients at GetIntoMedSchool.com. Share this article with a student...
The Sweaty Truth About Sports Scholarships
Parents of athletes fork out thousands to cover sports expenses over the years. Many wonder, "Is all this time, effort, and money going to pay off big when this kid gets to college?" Here, the sweaty truth about sports scholarships. 1. The truth about sports...
My Best Debt-Free College Interview Yet
To listen to my best debt-free college interview yet, click here. Listen while you're driving or getting ready in the morning, and you just might change the life of a student you love. In March of 2018 I was interviewed by Andy Earle, a Loyola Marymount University...
That Local State University May NOT Be Your Bargain Option
Many parents have only one strategy for lowering college costs. Send the kid to the local state university. But is your local state university actually your bargain option—considering all the factors involved? The hidden costs of state university nobody talks about At...
Want More College Money? Avoid These Costly FAFSA Mistakes
This article has been updated. You’ll find my most current information about the FAFSA financial aid form here. (See you over there!) —Jeannie Burlowski It’s a reference book, so nobody reads the whole thing cover to cover. Pick out what you need to read in it using...
What If This 12-Year-Old Ventriloquist Had Never Practiced?
In 2017, 12-year-old singing ventriloquist Darci Lynne Farmer wowed the audience and the judges on America's Got Talent. Before the 7-minute video was over I laughed, and I cried. Real tears. I am not kidding. And then I thought... What if Darci Lynne had never...
7 Reasons Your MIDDLE SCHOOLER Needs A College Study Skills Class
You already understand why college students and grad students need a high-quality college study skills class. You can even see why it makes sense for high school students to take one. (Especially if they'll be taking dual enrollment college classes in 11th and 12th...
Which Colleges Are Still Taking Applications?
Ben and his parents sat up late at their dining room table, combing through all of Ben's college financial aid numbers one more time. Ben's dad ran his fingers nervously through his hair. The problem? It was already summer, and every college that had accepted Ben for...
Whoa! Slow Down on Applying for Scholarships!
I recently read an article by a well-meaning man pushing kids to apply for more college scholarships. "Give up all your free time!" he said. "Come home every day and put in an hour or two applying for scholarships!" This sounds good in theory, but in reality--no kid...
“Can I Take a Full Load of College Classes in High School and Still Have a Full ‘High School Experience’?”
A 10th grader writes to tell me that his parents are worried that if he takes dual enrollment college classes in high school, he might be prevented from having "the full high school experience." Here's his email to me: "Jeannie, I know you strongly recommend dual...
Hilarious Idea Makes Kids Eager to Apply for Scholarships
If you've got a child between the ages of 12 and 26, you know how difficult it can be to motivate him or her to want to apply for college scholarships. Try this entertaining strategy, one that other parents are using with great success. 1. Give your son a meager...
TONIGHT! This Free Event Could Save You TONS on College Costs
Your kid's in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade? It's time to set him or her free to feel jazzed and excited about college. Plus -- as a parent-- learn 8 things you can do right now to keep that kid's future college costs low. I'll be covering all this in this free live event...
Buy LAUNCH Before 1/11/17 — Get Bonuses Worth $248
Today I'm announcing the extra bonuses your family will receive if you purchase LAUNCH by January 11, 2017. Bonus #1 You and your immediate family will be invited to attend an online MasterClass with live Q&A with me, the author -- at no charge to you. This online...
Hear Jeannie Burlowski Interviewed on the “Hey, Sister!” Podcast
I was recently interviewed by Krista Gilbert on her "Hey Sister!" podcast. It was a great conversation, almost an hour, full of practical tips for anyone who loves a kid age 12 - 22. To listen to the podcast, click on Episode 19 here. Some of the topics we covered...
Want More Scholarships? GPA Matters Less Than You Think.
You'd love for your college-bound teen to get more scholarships, but you worry that his GPA just isn't high enough. Am I right? Well, worry no more. Good news. There are thousands of college scholarships available to students with GPAs as low as 2.50. I'll give you...
Looking for Scholarships? Here are 1.5 Million of Them
Parents and students ask me all the time, "Where can we find scholarships to apply for?" Here are some places to look for scholarships—starting right now. Remember, students can apply for scholarships in 8th–12th grades, plus all the way through college, and all the...
What’s College Life Like on an Army ROTC Scholarship?
Military service isn't for everyone. But before you disregard the help that the U.S. military provides to college students, let's look at a few details about it. The U.S. military awards generous four-year college scholarships to students who: Are U.S. citizens...
“A Consultant Told Us NOT to Apply For Scholarships…”?!
In June of 2016 I received this email from a mom: "Jeannie, I've been to 3 of your classes and love hearing you as well as reading your information. I value your opinion. We have recently met with a person who we could pay to help our daughter navigate sophomore...
Think Student Loan Debt is “No Big Deal”? Watch This 3-Minute Video
A 35-year-old father of two recently contacted me in desperation, looking for help getting out from under $40,000 in student loan debt. "I've been paying $475 a month payments on this debt for years," he said, "but because of interest piling up, I've hardly made a...
Top 5 Lies We Tell Kids About College
This post is a scary one. But read all the way down to the red print at the bottom and I'll give you a boatload of hope about college. 1. "If you don't get into a good college, you won't be able to get a good job when you graduate." This statement is completely and...
Top 10 Ways to Help Your Kid Get More College Scholarships (Starting in MIDDLE SCHOOL)
The dad waited in a long line to get to shake my hand. He was beaming. "We squeezed into a packed high school auditorium to hear you speak about scholarships last year," he told me. "You inspired my son to go home and apply for 20 scholarships he thought he'd never...
Could Your Kid Get a Tech School Degree, and THEN a Bachelor’s Degree!?
In 2015 I wrote about how some students could end up wealthier and happier by not going to four-year college after high school. It was a life-changing post for many. If you missed it, be sure to read it here. But what about this great idea? Your kid could go to...
6th Graders Need to Know THIS About Choosing Career
"Jeannie, are you serious? We need to talk to 6th graders about career?" Yes. And if not in 6th grade, then as soon as possible after that. Why? Because when your child is in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade, his or her brain is growing faster than at any time since...
SURVEY RESULTS ARE IN! Here are the Top Five Questions Parents Asked Me Last Week
On January 4th, 2016 I announced exciting news about my upcoming book LAUNCH: How to Get Your Kids Through College Debt Free and Into Jobs They Love Afterward. If you missed that exciting post, you can read it here. In that post I asked my readers to complete a short...
How to Find Great Scholarships—While Sidestepping Scholarship Scams
Two weeks ago on this blog I talked about what I do to get high school and college students excited about applying for college scholarships. (That post included a great list of excellent scholarships students can apply for, so if you missed that one—be sure to go back...
REMINDER: Free Technical College Training For 1600 Minnesotans — Best Day to Apply Coming Soon
A few months ago I posed the question: "Could your child end up wealthier and happier by not going to college?" This question has sparked a national conversation that's helping many students choose good-fitting, well-paying, minimal debt career paths they might not...
Want to Save $10,000 on College? I Can Give You 12 Different Ways to Do It.
A massive number of parents have read my free PDF "12 Ways to Save $10,000 on College." This was heroic on their part, because it was little more than a Word document with a nice letterhead at the top. Now this free PDF has been made into a full color e-book --...
I’ve Created a Small Army of Kids EXCITED about Applying for Scholarships. (Here’s a Bunch to Apply For!)
About a month ago I filled a room to overflowing with teens and parents eager to learn how to write a scholarship application essay that would "Make Them Say WOW." 17-year-old boys ran around setting up more tables for me, even though it meant that their long legs had...
11 Colleges and Universities That Give Out Astounding Amounts of Financial Aid and Scholarship Money
Want a shortcut to getting your kid through college debt-free? If one of these colleges is a good fit for your son or daughter, you may have just struck gold. The 11 colleges and universities below are known for lavishing astounding amounts of financial aid and...
What’s More Important Than Getting Your Kid Through College Debt Free?
Worried About the New PSAT Coming Up October 14th?
Parents nationwide are worried about how standardized tests for college entrance are changing. If your child is taking the PSAT exam this coming October 14th, you may be wondering how it will be different from the old PSAT, and what your child should be doing in order...
The Surprising Reason Your Kid Should Apply to At Least One College That’s Far Out of State
I know, I know. You have a lot of people telling you that the local state university is your kid's bargain basement choice. Well... Unless your child is able to become a part of the honors program at that state university, this is not likely to be true. For the...
Hillary Clinton, Here’s How You Should REALLY Spend that $350 Billion in Student Loan Debt Relief
Hillary Clinton caused an unexpected dustup recently when she tweeted on August 12th: "How does your student loan debt make you feel? Tell us in 3 emojis or less." The angry responses from students and others were blistering. My personal favorite response to this...
Huge News! Technical School Education FREE for 1600 Minnesotans Next Year
About a month ago I wrote about how some students could end up wealthier and happier by not going to four-year college after high school. It was a life-changing post for many. If you missed it, be sure to read it here. Today's huge news is that starting next year,...
True or False: You Should Get Your Middle Schooler On LinkedIn.com RIGHT NOW
The answer? As long as your child meets the LinkedIn.com minimum age limit of 14, it’s absolutely true. Your child needs one place to keep track of all of her accomplishments, achievements, work experiences, school and scouting awards, scholarship awards, job...
The TEDx Talk Every Parent Needs to Hear
Today I'm featuring a 16 minute TEDx talk on student loan debt by Adam Carroll. This is a must-listen for every parent. Listen while you're getting ready for work in the morning, commuting, or cooking dinner. It'll change everything you've ever believed about...
Easily Get Into Harvard—And Pay 70% Less For It?!?
Would you like your child to have a Harvard education, but without the nerve-wracking admissions pressure or astronomical tuition cost? If this sounds good to you, you might seriously consider the Bachelor of Liberal Arts (ALB) degree at the Harvard Extension School...
Got a Kid Headed to College This Fall? This Genius Strategy Helps Students Get the BEST POSSIBLE Set of College Classes
Imagine your 19-year-old daughter walking into an enormous 10-story library. She chooses four books at random, and then walks up to the checkout desk and pays $25,000 for the chance to check them out. It sounds unthinkable, but this is the exact method many students...
Here’s Help Getting Kids Age 13–22 to Eagerly Apply for Scholarships This Summer
Wouldn't it be great if your child age 13–22 would apply for 10 different scholarships before starting school this coming fall? Yep, that's what I said. Kids age 13–22. Ten different scholarships each summer. It's a myth that students should only apply for college...
Got an 8th Grader? Plan A Very Special Meeting With Him or Her for This Summer
Researchers tell us that the brains of middle schoolers are growing at an explosive rate, faster than at any time since infancy. New connections are being formed, less-used pathways in the brain are being pruned away, and new experiences are imprinting deeply, in...
THE FREE RIDE: 10 Elite Universities Where Middle Class Kids Don’t Pay Any Tuition
Every year I have parents tell me: "I'm not letting my kid apply THERE. Do you have any idea how much that school costs?!?!" OK: let's all just calm down a minute. I know what the elite school sticker price appears to be, but I also know this: that sometimes, the...
“We Can’t Save Any Money for College. Are We Doomed?” 7 Clever Strategies That’ll Make You Feel Better Immediately
You know that it’s a good idea to start early to save for your kids’ college, but what if your budget just doesn’t allow for that right now? Are there other things you can do so that you’re ready when dormitory move-in day comes? Yes. This week I’m hugely honored to...
Put Down the Scholarship Applications; Let’s Jump Up and Help the Children in the Nepal Earthquake First.
A devastating earthquake slammed into Nepal on Saturday, killing over 4,000 people. That's hard to wrap your head around I know. It's such devastation, it's such tragedy -- it's overwhelming. We want to close our eyes. We want to look the other way. We want to...
Want Great Material for a Scholarship Application Essay? Host a Japanese Student in Your Home for 3 Weeks!
Imagine your child writing a scholarship application essay where she writes in detail about what it was like to have a Japanese college student living in her home for three weeks. There are so many interesting ways to go with this kind of material -- I can't even...
Today is the LAST DAY to get my April 11th classes at a reduced cost. PLEASE SHARE.
My classes cost only $39 each, but that's still unaffordable for some families. Families who desperately need help getting their kids through college debt-free. Here's help. Families with documented financial need can get reduced rates on my classes. But they have...