Parenting Articles

For Happiest Parenting—Use the Enforceable Statement

For Happiest Parenting—Use the Enforceable Statement

What's more aggravating and frustrating than giving kids or teens a direct order, and then they ignore it? Try this brilliant parenting tip from the psychologists at use the enforceable statement. What is an "enforceable statement"? Say the effective...

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What To Do If Your Teen Does Something Really Bad

What To Do If Your Teen Does Something Really Bad

What do you do if your teen does something really bad? It could be assault, theft, getting caught with drugs—or 100 other things. What do you do?  Your most effective response when your teen does something really bad—is to respond with empathy. Soften your face and...

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“My Kid’s Not Choosing the Career I Want For Her!”

“My Kid’s Not Choosing the Career I Want For Her!”

Your daughter's not choosing the career you want for her, and you're understandably disappointed. Take heart, there may be hope for her yet. Ask her if she'll take the career assessments I discuss in this article. (The professionally interpreted assessments I...

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Simple Check-In Rule Helps Teens Avoid Risk

Simple Check-In Rule Helps Teens Avoid Risk

This valuable article on helping teens avoid risk is a guest post by Ken Ginsburg of the Center For Parent and Teen Communication.  By Ken Ginsburg A simple check-in rule can help teens avoid risk Our tweens and teens are going to have to make certain decisions and...

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Got Irresponsible Kids? Immediate Help Here

Got Irresponsible Kids? Immediate Help Here

Today I'm featuring an article by Debbie Pincus, MS LMHC that originally appeared on If you're worn out by parenting irresponsible kids—if you feel at a loss as to what to do about it—this article is for you. Debbie's article on parenting...

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Debt-Free College Training—Fast and Easy

Debt-Free College Training—Fast and Easy

Watch just one of the short, succinct video trainings below, and you'll be on the fast track to getting the kids you love through college debt-free.  If you've got a bright, capable middle schooler or high schooler headed for college—you're probably wondering, "How...

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Don’t Miss This FREE Debt-Free College Newsletter

Don’t Miss This FREE Debt-Free College Newsletter

One of the greatest services I provide to the public is my debt-free college newsletter, which you can have delivered straight to your email inbox every Monday morning. Open this newsletter every Monday, and you'll keep debt-free college at the top of your mind as...

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Is Your Parenting Ratcheting Up Your Teen’s Anxiety?

Is Your Parenting Ratcheting Up Your Teen’s Anxiety?

Teen anxiety is at an all-time high. How can parents help? Or at least quit ratcheting up teen anxiety and making it worse? Some of the root causes of teen anxiety are things parents don't have much control over—such as our culture's senseless obsession with elite...

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Tee Your Kids Up For Career Success (In Just 2 Min.)

Tee Your Kids Up For Career Success (In Just 2 Min.)

You desperately want your kids to succeed academically in school and in college so they can have a shot at lifetime career success—but cajoling and hovering and pushing them is just so exhausting. Here’s fantastic help that will take you under two minutes to...

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Having Marijuana in this Form is a Felony

Having Marijuana in this Form is a Felony

With all the national conversation around legalizing marijuana, many teens are jumping to the uninformed conclusion that it's low-risk for them. Experts, however, are extremely worried about the impact of marijuana on developing adolescent brains. Not only that—but...

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5 Ways to Keep Kids From Living Off You in Their 20s (AUDIO)

3 Reasons Every Teen Needs A Part-Time Job (AUDIO)

This episode also includes a hilarious idea for making your teen want to go out and get a part-time job!Join me, Jeannie Burlowski, for episode 4 of the Launch Your Teens podcast, and you'll learn: 1. How working a part-time job increases the odds that a teen will be...

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How to Skyrocket the Growth of Your Teen’s Brain

How to Skyrocket the Growth of Your Teen’s Brain

Dr. Charles Fay of is an expert at helping parents grow a teen's brain by leaps and bounds—while helping adults enjoy a less stressful, more fun family life. Dr. Fay recently said this on the subject of growing a teen's brain: "At Love and Logic®, we...

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Forget Being Supermom—Just be “Good Enough Mom.”

Forget Being Supermom—Just be “Good Enough Mom.”

Psychologist Dr. Henry Cloud, co-author of the life-changing Boundaries books and The Mom Factor, says that today’s moms will do more good for their families by giving up “the Supermom model of motherhood, which never worked anyway,” and instead relaxing into being a...

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Top 9 Books I Most Love for Parents and Students

Top 9 Books I Most Love for Parents and Students

Books make great gifts. Why? Because a carefully chosen book can literally change a life. In this short article I share the top 9 books I most love for parents, 20-somethings, and students ages 12 and up. (Are you worried that your teen won't read a non-fiction book?...

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The Meme Every Kid Needs to See

The Meme Every Kid Needs to See

Here it is—the meme every kid needs to see. Copy and forward this meme to the kids you love right now. When you’re a parent, it feels great to know you’re taking practical steps to set your kid up for successful college and career life. For clear, step-by-step help...

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The 5 Love Languages, Explained with Burritos

The 5 Love Languages, Explained with Burritos

By this time nearly everyone's heard of Gary Chapman's book, The 5 Love Languages. It's sold over 11 million copies, it's the 12th most popular book on Amazon (where it has more than 13,000 5-star reviews), and it's been a New York Times Bestseller 8 years running....

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Should You Pay Your Teen to Do Things?

Should You Pay Your Teen to Do Things?

You're parenting a teen, and you've just had a fantastic idea for him or her. Something that could pay off in huge ways down the line. But your kid isn't interested. "Nah," he says, scrunching up his nose and shaking his head. "Not gonna do that." Meanwhile, he's...

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Dropping a Kid at College Feels Like a Train Wreck

Dropping a Kid at College Feels Like a Train Wreck

You've just dropped a son or daughter off at college for the first time—or you'll be doing so soon. Part of you knows you should be getting a lifetime achievement award for making it this far, but instead, dropping a kid at college may feel like a train wreck in your...

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My Best Debt-Free College Interview Yet

My Best Debt-Free College Interview Yet

To listen to my best debt-free college interview yet, click here. Listen while you're driving or getting ready in the morning, and you just might change the life of a student you love. In March of 2018 I was interviewed by Andy Earle, a Loyola Marymount University...

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8 Reasons Google’s Managers Are Wildly Successful

8 Reasons Google’s Managers Are Wildly Successful

Back in 2009, researchers in Google's People Innovation Lab spent an entire year finding the answer to one question: "What makes managers wildly successful?" According to this Inc. article, Google put all the resources at its disposal into data-mining "performance...

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5 Things Parents Must Know About “Senioritis”

5 Things Parents Must Know About “Senioritis”

You've nursed your child through bouts of the flu and strep throat, but "senioritis" is different. "Senioritis" symptoms include not doing homework, "forgetting" to study for tests, and getting oddly low grades on homework assignments, papers, and projects that your...

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5 Questions to Ask Every Kid Every September

5 Questions to Ask Every Kid Every September

There's one thing parents long for far more than straight A report cards. Parents want kids to do their own homework in a quality manner without the parent needing to prod, nag, oversee, or push. Want to increase your chances of having academically independent...

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How to Inspire Underperforming Students

How to Inspire Underperforming Students

Your middle schooler or high schooler tends to underperform in school -- and it drives you crazy. What's a caring, involved parent to do? You know how high the stakes are. Is it your duty to strictly supervise and control homework so that your son or daughter gets...

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Fewer Screens * More Cheerful Chores * Happier Summer

Fewer Screens * More Cheerful Chores * Happier Summer

Carol kicked off her work shoes and put them away in the front hall closet. "Hi, kids! I'm home!" She called out. It'd been an extremely long workday for Carol, and the commute home had been long and sweaty due to heavy road construction and her car air conditioning...

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Life-Changing, Entertaining Book For Students Ages 18–29

Life-Changing, Entertaining Book For Students Ages 18–29

The 20s are a critically important time of life. Young men and women who maximize their 20s tend to have far better lives than those who don't. I know this, because I've read the book The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter—And How to Make the Most of Them...

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Why Your Kid Shouldn’t Take a Car to College

Why Your Kid Shouldn’t Take a Car to College

One of the best money-saving ideas I suggest for college students is, "Don't take a car to college." Most college campuses provide easy access to safe public transportation—and when a student really needs a car she can always call Uber. (Anyone, anywhere, can use this...

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My Best, Funniest Parenting Tip

My Best, Funniest Parenting Tip

In this short post, I'm going to share my best, funniest parenting tip. This one makes me laugh just thinking about it. What do you do when your normally good kid turns sassy or disrespectful, or makes a deliberate choice that's against family rules? My mom used to...

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Teen Constantly Angry? It Could be “Launch Anxiety.”

Teen Constantly Angry? It Could be “Launch Anxiety.”

15-year-old Luke had been in a dark, angry mood all day long, starting from the moment his mother wished him a cheerful, "Good morning!" and set hot scrambled eggs and a fresh hot caramel roll in front of him at the breakfast table. Luke ate in broody silence, and his...

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Hilarious Idea Makes Kids Eager to Apply for Scholarships

Hilarious Idea Makes Kids Eager to Apply for Scholarships

If you've got a child between the ages of 12 and 26, you know how difficult it can be to motivate him or her to want to apply for college scholarships. Try this entertaining strategy, one that other parents are using with great success. 1. Give your son a meager...

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Buy LAUNCH Before 1/11/17 — Get Bonuses Worth $248

Buy LAUNCH Before 1/11/17 — Get Bonuses Worth $248

Today I'm announcing the extra bonuses your family will receive if you purchase LAUNCH by January 11, 2017. Bonus #1 You and your immediate family will be invited to attend an online MasterClass with live Q&A with me, the author -- at no charge to you. This online...

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Teens in Crisis Can Text for Help

Teens in Crisis Can Text for Help

Every parent needs to know: teens in crisis can use texting to get immediate, confidential, compassionate crisis help for themselves or for their friends. Tell your kids. Be sure your kids all have 741741 entered into their phone contacts. (Read on to learn more.) The...

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Want More Scholarships? GPA Matters Less Than You Think.

Want More Scholarships? GPA Matters Less Than You Think.

You'd love for your college-bound teen to get more scholarships, but you worry that his GPA just isn't high enough. Am I right? Well, worry no more. Good news. There are thousands of college scholarships available to students with GPAs as low as 2.50. I'll give you...

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Hi, I’m Jeannie Burlowski.

I am a full-time academic strategist, conference speaker, and author of the book “LAUNCH: How to Get Your Kids Through College Debt-Free and Into Jobs They Love Afterward.

My writing and speaking provide parents a clear, step-by-step checklist so they can set their kids up to succeed brilliantly in college, graduate debt-free, and move directly into careers they excel at and love.

For more than 20 years, I’ve helped students apply to highly competitive law, medical, business, and grad schools. I still do that from my website

I am married, and my husband and I have a son and a daughter. We live in Minneapolis.

More about me …

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