This holiday season, don't forget to have some empathy and kindness for yourself. To lessen your stress about debt-free college for your kids, read just the first two chapters of my book.
Uncategorized Articles
In My Keynote Address—I Made This Amazing Promise
On Sunday, October 4th, 2020, I was the keynote speaker at the online College Planning Untangled conference. Below is a small segment of that keynote. (If you've followed me for a while—can you guess what key principle I was speaking about here?) I said: "Here's our...
Got Kids or Grandkids Ages 12–26? You Need This
You'd love to see the kids you love get through college debt-free. It's easier than you think—especially if you can start early. Register instantly below—for free, courtesy of Thrivent Financial. Choose one, or attend all three of these free online events: 1. April...
You Want to Write a Book? Do It.
Today I'm sharing a bit about my own author journey—in hopes of saving you years of wasted effort. When I started out to write a book, I had a message that I knew could change the world for students and parents. I'd already been a professional writer for over 25...
Try Not To Embarrass Your Kids
Parents, if you can—try not to embarrass your kids. But if you just can't help yourself—go ahead and do it up big! Because nobody knows and loves your kids like you do. I'm Jeannie Burlowski, and I'm the author of this book:
How to Keep Your Brain Wired for Energy and Creativity
Many of us have been repenting, in tears, of our own lack of action—lack of paying attention—when it comes to racial injustice. Now we wonder, "What can I do?" One thing is—remain engaged. Not grow weary in well-doing. We can't let our fiery conviction that change...
Friends, I'm heartbroken over what is happening in Minneapolis and around the United States. I've been fighting against income and education inequality as hard as I can for 10 years. Thank you to all who have helped me. I am redoubling my efforts—if I can just see...
On Memorial Day, 2020—We Pledge to Make a Difference
On Memorial Day, 2020, we remember those who have risked their lives, and given their lives for us. And we as adults pledge to make a difference. We pledge to help build courage and character into the teens and 20-somethings we care about—so much so that they're able...
It’s Catch-Up Week! Which of These Haven’t You Seen?—Memorial Day 2020
I'm spending Memorial Day having as much fun as I possibly can—and I hope you are too. Whenever I take time off like this, I like to point you to some of my most helpful recent articles that you may have missed. This gives you a chance to catch up—right on a week when...
How Will You Get Her Through College Debt-Free?
How will you get your daughter through college debt-free? Step by step. The same way you've gotten her through every other thing in life. Hear my best strategies for parents of little kids in my interview on the FamVestor podcast. You'll find it here. For clear,...
Join Me Live Saturday—Get Inspiration About Scholarships
Join me live, online, on Saturday May 9th, 2020 for fresh inspiration on applying for scholarships. Bring the kids (ages 12–26), and invite friends and family all over the U.S. to join you. Easiest Way to Win College Scholarships—Starting in 8th Grade Free Webinar...
MUST-HAVE Student Loan Info for During the Pandemic (AUDIO)
The recording below contains critically important student loan info for during the pandemic. Forward this article on to anyone you know who's spent any amount of time in college—ever. (As well as the parents who might have cosigned loans for them.) You may have heard...
My Holiday Plans Are Exciting—And They Affect You
This year, I've got exciting holiday plans—and they affect you. 1. One of my holiday plans is—I'm getting help with completely revamping the look of this website. When I finish this revamp, it'll be easier for my new visitors to understand what I do—and it'll be...
Change of Plans for Parents Who Follow Me! Details Here.
In late August of 2019, I made an exciting announcement to the parents who follow me. Low-cost, personal debt-free college planning help from me—coming soon! At that time I wrote to the parents who follow me: "I'm going to be bringing together a tribe—a group of...
Moving Into or Out of a Dorm? Saves the Day
Your child's headed off to college this fall—and you're wondering how you're going to get all the boxes and totes from your house to there. Or maybe your child's moving out of a college residence hall soon, heading off to another adventure. What's he going to do with...
Can a 20something Pay Off Debt By Living on 51% of Her Income?
Is it possible for a struggling 20-something to get completely out of debt (including student loan debt) using a one-year shopping ban and living on 51% of her income? Today I'm featuring an outstanding article written by Laura Shin for Forbes. As you read it, give...
It’s True: Even Middle Schoolers Can Earn Real College Credit Through CLEP
Imagine your 7th grader earning real transferable college credit for the knowledge she just gained in her middle school history class. Are you astounded that this is possible? Students of all ages can turn their regular school learning into real college credit in 33...
Must Watch Video for Parents
Are you a parent wondering if student loan debt is really that big a deal? Watch this powerful, entertaining video by Adam Carroll at TEDx UWMilwaukee. It'll be the best 15 minutes you'll spend on your kid this year.
Want Great Material for a Scholarship Application Essay? Host a Japanese Student in Your Home for 3 Weeks!
Imagine your child writing a scholarship application essay where she writes in detail about what it was like to have a Japanese college student living in her home for three weeks. There are so many interesting ways to go with this kind of material -- I can't even...
Think “Community Service” is Just Another Dull Chore? This Inspiring 2 Minute Video About WE ACT Will Change Your Mind Forever
On some middle school and high school campuses, parents form an organization where they meet together monthly to strategize how they can get their kids through college debt-free. (The free, step-by-step resources on my website make great discussion material for a...