Two Sentences to Help Your Teen Achieve More This Year

Two Sentences to Help Your Teen Achieve More This Year

You'd love to help your teen achieve more this year—but motivating teens can be so hard. And you have limited time and energy for trying anything fancy. Here—2 sentences that can help your teen achieve more this year. Throw these sentences into family conversation...

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Got Kids or Grandkids Ages 12–26? You Need This

Got Kids or Grandkids Ages 12–26? You Need This

You'd love to see the kids you love get through college debt-free. It's easier than you think—especially if you can start early. Register instantly below—for free, courtesy of Thrivent Financial. Choose one, or attend all three of these free online events: 1. April...

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You Want to Write a Book? Do It.

You Want to Write a Book? Do It.

Today I'm sharing a bit about my own author journey—in hopes of saving you years of wasted effort. When I started out to write a book, I had a message that I knew could change the world for students and parents. I'd already been a professional writer for over 25...

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Fast Track to Real Job Skills—Wow—Look at SkillsUSA

Fast Track to Real Job Skills—Wow—Look at SkillsUSA

Parents dread paying $100,000 for college—only to find out afterward that their kids have graduated with a boatload of forgotten classroom learning—but no real job skills and zero job prospects. The key to getting a great job after college—is developing actual job...

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Tech School and College? Both—? Wow!

Tech School and College? Both—? Wow!

You've heard that two years of tech school education could get your kid straight into a well-paying career as early as age 20. Still, you hesitate to even suggest it. Mostly because you've always thought of your child as college material. How about this radical...

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Try Not To Embarrass Your Kids

Try Not To Embarrass Your Kids

Parents, if you can—try not to embarrass your kids. But if you just can't help yourself—go ahead and do it up big! Because nobody knows and loves your kids like you do. I'm Jeannie Burlowski, and I'm the author of this book:

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How to Keep Your Brain Wired for Energy and Creativity

How to Keep Your Brain Wired for Energy and Creativity

Many of us have been repenting, in tears, of our own lack of action—lack of paying attention—when it comes to racial injustice. Now we wonder, "What can I do?" One thing is—remain engaged. Not grow weary in well-doing. We can't let our fiery conviction that change...

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Friends, I'm heartbroken over what is happening in Minneapolis and around the United States. I've been fighting against income and education inequality as hard as I can for 10 years. Thank you to all who have helped me. I am redoubling my efforts—if I can just see...

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On Memorial Day, 2020—We Pledge to Make a Difference

On Memorial Day, 2020—We Pledge to Make a Difference

On Memorial Day, 2020, we remember those who have risked their lives, and given their lives for us. And we as adults pledge to make a difference. We pledge to help build courage and character into the teens and 20-somethings we care about—so much so that they're able...

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A Kid You Care About Has ADHD or Behavior Problems?

A Kid You Care About Has ADHD or Behavior Problems?

This is a very long article—but if you love a child or teen with ADHD or behavior problems, you're going to want to read the entire thing. I did not write this. It's an unedited, lengthy rant from a mother who has been in a situation very much like yours—and found...

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How Will You Get Her Through College Debt-Free?

How Will You Get Her Through College Debt-Free?

How will you get your daughter through college debt-free? Step by step. The same way you've gotten her through every other thing in life. Hear my best strategies for parents of little kids in my interview on the FamVestor podcast. You'll find it here. For clear,...

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Join Me Live Saturday—Get Inspiration About Scholarships

Join Me Live Saturday—Get Inspiration About Scholarships

Join me live, online, on Saturday May 9th, 2020 for fresh inspiration on applying for scholarships. Bring the kids (ages 12–26), and invite friends and family all over the U.S. to join you. Easiest Way to Win College Scholarships—Starting in 8th Grade Free Webinar...

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MUST-HAVE Student Loan Info for During the Pandemic (AUDIO)

MUST-HAVE Student Loan Info for During the Pandemic (AUDIO)

The recording below contains critically important student loan info for during the pandemic. Forward this article on to anyone you know who's spent any amount of time in college—ever. (As well as the parents who might have cosigned loans for them.) You may have heard...

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The Kids Will Be OK! The Teachers Have Superpowers

The Kids Will Be OK! The Teachers Have Superpowers

Teachers everywhere want you to know—the kids are going to be OK. The teachers are going to see to it. If you're a parent, here's all you really need to do right now. (It's not much.) Teachers are telling us:Parents, you can find additional caring help here: The...

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Hi, I’m Jeannie Burlowski.

I am a full-time academic strategist, conference speaker, and author of the book “LAUNCH: How to Get Your Kids Through College Debt-Free and Into Jobs They Love Afterward.

My writing and speaking provide parents a clear, step-by-step checklist so they can set their kids up to succeed brilliantly in college, graduate debt-free, and move directly into careers they excel at and love.

For more than 20 years, I’ve helped students apply to highly competitive law, medical, business, and grad schools. I still do that from my website

I am married, and my husband and I have a son and a daughter. We live in Minneapolis.

More about me …

Hi, I'm Jeannie Burlowski.

My background as an academic strategist provides ideal foundation for me to help parents of kids ages 12–26 set those kids up to graduate college debt-free, ready to jump directly into careers they excel at and love.

I do this primarily through my book LAUNCH: How to Get Your Kids Through College Debt-Free and Into Jobs They Love Afterward. LAUNCH provides parents clear, step-by-step instructions for this journey. 

Regular readers of my free email newsletter get additional help from me. Gentle reminding about what to do when, and first access to my live and online sessions, strategy updates, and TRIBE Membership.

My team and I are leading a debt-free college revolution. We hope you'll join us!

Hi, I'm Jeannie Burlowski.

My background as an academic strategist provides ideal foundation for me to help parents of kids ages 12–26 set those kids up to graduate college debt-free, ready to jump directly into careers they excel at and love.

I do this primarily through my book LAUNCH: How to Get Your Kids Through College Debt-Free and Into Jobs They Love Afterward. LAUNCH provides parents clear, step-by-step instructions for this journey. 

Regular readers of my free email newsletter get additional help from me. Gentle reminding about what to do when, and first access to my live and online sessions, strategy updates, and TRIBE membership.

My team and I are leading a debt-free college revolution. We hope you'll join us!

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