Failing College; Dropping Out Articles

Will a Minimum Wage Job Cover Rent? Anywhere?

Some kids decide not to go to college after high school. This can work out great—if they opt for high quality job training instead of heading off to 4-year college. But what if your kid wants to work a minimum wage job in the years after high school? Is there any hope...

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Tee Your Kids Up For Career Success (In Just 2 Min.)

Tee Your Kids Up For Career Success (In Just 2 Min.)

You desperately want your kids to succeed academically in school and in college so they can have a shot at lifetime career success—but cajoling and hovering and pushing them is just so exhausting. Here’s fantastic help that will take you under two minutes to...

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Why and How to Stop Multitasking

Why and How to Stop Multitasking

On the surface, it seems as though multitasking would make a great productivity tool. After all, if you can book a plane ticket and quickly shoot off an email while you're on a phone meeting at work, why not? Haven't you just masterfully killed two birds with one...

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The “Screenagers” Movie is a Must-See

The “Screenagers” Movie is a Must-See

Have you spent even one minute worrying about your kids' use of screens? Physician and documentary filmmaker Delany Ruston sure has. She made the Screenagers movie after she found herself "constantly struggling with her own two kids about screen time." According to...

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When to Call the College’s Disability Services Office

When to Call the College’s Disability Services Office

Are you parenting a teen or a college student with a disability of any kind? If you are, you need to know about the wonderful services offered by the disability services office on your child's college campus. Whether your child has a physical disability, a learning...

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Can College Debt Hurt Academic Performance?

Can College Debt Hurt Academic Performance?

There's no question about it—the ability to focus and concentrate for extended periods is absolutely critical to college academic performance. The problem is—college debt can actually hurt focus and concentration. In this article by college student Ashley Bulchandani...

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Half of Americans Regret Their Higher Ed Decisions?! Why?

Half of Americans Regret Their Higher Ed Decisions?! Why?

The last thing you want is for your child to make a series of expensive higher ed decisions, and then regret them later. How can you help your kids to avoid making regrettable higher ed decisions? An epidemic of regret Regret over higher ed decisions has reached...

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Social Security Checks Garnished to Pay for College

Social Security Checks Garnished to Pay for College

Could you one day have your social security checks garnished to pay for your kids' college? Yes. You may be in danger of having your social security checks garnished and not even realize it. Parents duped into taking out Parent PLUS loans to pay for their kids'...

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Hi, I’m Jeannie Burlowski.

I am a full-time academic strategist, conference speaker, and author of the book “LAUNCH: How to Get Your Kids Through College Debt-Free and Into Jobs They Love Afterward.

My writing and speaking provide parents a clear, step-by-step checklist so they can set their kids up to succeed brilliantly in college, graduate debt-free, and move directly into careers they excel at and love.

For more than 20 years, I’ve helped students apply to highly competitive law, medical, business, and grad schools. I still do that from my website

I am married, and my husband and I have a son and a daughter. We live in Minneapolis.

More about me …

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