Teens tend to think summer jobs are all about the money—but parents know different. The very act of getting off of the couch, identifying job opportunities, and then actively going after those opportunities builds life skills into your teens that they'll need long...
Employment Articles
5 Ways Teens Can Save Earnings—Without Damaging Financial Aid (AUDIO)
Your daughter's 15 or older, and she's earning and saving her own money. Whooo hoo! But wait—just a minute. Could the money she's saving in her own name end up sabotaging future college financial aid awards? Learn the sobering answer here—along with 5 safe, legal ways...
3 Reasons Every Teen Needs A Part-Time Job (AUDIO)
This episode also includes a hilarious idea for making your teen want to go out and get a part-time job!Join me, Jeannie Burlowski, for episode 4 of the Launch Your Teens podcast, and you'll learn: 1. How working a part-time job increases the odds that a teen will be...
12 Ways to Get Grad School Paid For
So, your kid just got into law school, medical school, or graduate school. That's great! Now you're wondering, "What can students do to get these programs paid for?" Here are the 12 ways I give to my clients at GetIntoMedSchool.com. Share this article with a student...
Starting a New Job? 3 Important Items To Bring the First Day
Your daughter is starting her first real job after college. Or maybe it's you, the parent, starting a new job. No matter the age of a new full-time employee, bringing these three things on the first day of a new job makes a strong positive impression, and sets an...
You’re 20? Here’s the Career Advice Nobody’s Telling You
Today I'm featuring a must-read article by Forbes contributor Jason Nazar on career advice for 20-year-olds. If you're parenting a child age 16–29, read this article and pick one or two topics to discuss with your child this week. And if your child is age 18–29? Share...
9 Reasons to Talk your Kid OUT of Applying to the Ivy League
Parents, you feel a lot of pressure to get your kids into a "good" college after high school. An "Ivy League" university would be ideal! But is all the work and stress really worth it? Probably not, honestly. William Deresiewicz, former Yale professor and author of...
Life-Changing, Entertaining Book For Students Ages 18–29
The 20s are a critically important time of life. Young men and women who maximize their 20s tend to have far better lives than those who don't. I know this, because I've read the book The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter—And How to Make the Most of Them...
5 Reasons “T-Shaped” is Better Than Well-Rounded
From the time students are in middle school, they're told the big lie. That colleges and grad schools are looking for students who are "well-rounded." "Don't commit too deeply to any one thing," well-meaning parents and college counselors tell students. "Instead, do a...
17 College Majors That Put Kids On the Path to Underemployment
Forbes has published a list of 17 college majors that carry high underemployment rates. Grads in these degree fields find it hard to get the jobs they went to school for. They tend to make less money than they should be making, and a lot of them live with this...
5 Strategies For Getting Hired Right Out of College
Parents love the idea of their 20-something kids getting hired right out of college. Preferably into well-paying jobs that use all the knowledge these kids have amassed during college. Many parents are dismayed, though, when they find out that colleges don't actually...
7 Criteria To Decide: Should Your Healthy 20-Something Kids Live With You?
So, your 20-something daughter wants to live at home in her childhood bedroom. Should you happily say yes and make a plate of warm cookies to welcome her back? Or could this put you (and your child) in a bad spot? I’ve written in a previous post about the horror of...
TONIGHT! This Free Event Could Save You TONS on College Costs
Your kid's in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade? It's time to set him or her free to feel jazzed and excited about college. Plus -- as a parent-- learn 8 things you can do right now to keep that kid's future college costs low. I'll be covering all this in this free live event...
#1 Thing Employers ACTUALLY Want In a “Just Out of College” New Hire
Does your child believe that myth, "If I don't attend a top school, I won't get a good job when I graduate"? (You can see the article I wrote debunking this myth here.) The graph at the bottom of today's post is going to make you both you and your child feel instantly...
Could Your Kid Get a Tech School Degree, and THEN a Bachelor’s Degree!?
In 2015 I wrote about how some students could end up wealthier and happier by not going to four-year college after high school. It was a life-changing post for many. If you missed it, be sure to read it here. But what about this great idea? Your kid could go to...
Expensive Education Leads to a Happier Life. True or False? (The Answer Might Surprise You.)
Your 12th grader is in tears, desperate for you to give him the go-ahead to attend an elite university that’ll cost him $950 per month for 10 years after college. You want him to be happy. Do you say yes? Before you respond, you’ll need to be clear on the answer to...
Why College Students RUN to Work at UPS Each December
Most college students would love to earn significant money while on a December college break. Tell the students you care about—UPS may be the place to apply (for more reasons than just the paycheck). What does UPS provide in addition to a paycheck? A lot. 1....
REMINDER: Free Technical College Training For 1600 Minnesotans — Best Day to Apply Coming Soon
A few months ago I posed the question: "Could your child end up wealthier and happier by not going to college?" This question has sparked a national conversation that's helping many students choose good-fitting, well-paying, minimal debt career paths they might not...
11 Colleges and Universities That Give Out Astounding Amounts of Financial Aid and Scholarship Money
Want a shortcut to getting your kid through college debt-free? If one of these colleges is a good fit for your son or daughter, you may have just struck gold. The 11 colleges and universities below are known for lavishing astounding amounts of financial aid and...
Great Opportunity to Get Career Direction For Your High Schooler!
Imagine your high school age son up late at night, in his bedroom with his desk light burning, reading a book on software design or motivating employees or robotics engineering or building construction or funding service-oriented nonprofits -- just because he's...
Today, a Great Comic For You to Read!
Today I'm featuring a great "Sheldon" comic that I think everyone should read. To see the entire comic, click here: http://www.sheldoncomics.com/archive/150915.html To read and enjoy more wonderful Sheldon comics, click here. To find out how you can help your 15 -...
“Student Loan Debt Isn’t Really That Big A Deal.” True or False?
“Why the big emphasis on avoiding student debt?” some parents and school administrators wonder. “Everyone gets student loans, don’t they? That’s what my guidance counselor told me when I was in high school. Isn’t that just the way it is?” Is that just the way it...
Does Part-Time Work Damage College GPAs? Surprising Answer Here
Your college-age daughter calls you, sobbing, at 10:00 pm. She's feeling overwhelmed by exams and paper deadlines, and she's begging you to let her quit the part-time job she's been working while taking her full load of college classes. You want her to be happy, of...
Huge News! Technical School Education FREE for 1600 Minnesotans Next Year
About a month ago I wrote about how some students could end up wealthier and happier by not going to four-year college after high school. It was a life-changing post for many. If you missed it, be sure to read it here. Today's huge news is that starting next year,...
Should Kids Work Their Way Through College? (Surprising Answer Every Parent Needs to Know, Below.)
Years ago, a hardworking college student could earn enough money in a summer of life-guarding or burger flipping to pay for one year of college tuition. If she continued to work for wages for as many hours as possible during the school year, lived in a tiny apartment...
True or False: You Should Get Your Middle Schooler On LinkedIn.com RIGHT NOW
The answer? As long as your child meets the LinkedIn.com minimum age limit of 14, it’s absolutely true. Your child needs one place to keep track of all of her accomplishments, achievements, work experiences, school and scouting awards, scholarship awards, job...
The TEDx Talk Every Parent Needs to Hear
Today I'm featuring a 16 minute TEDx talk on student loan debt by Adam Carroll. This is a must-listen for every parent. Listen while you're getting ready for work in the morning, commuting, or cooking dinner. It'll change everything you've ever believed about...
“If I Go to School There, Will I Be Able to Get an Off-Campus TUITION REIMBURSEMENT Job?”
Your son or daughter has started looking at colleges, and at this point the discussion is pretty much centered around how pretty the buildings are, what kind of sports they have, and "the quality of the business program." But are there even more important questions...
Filling out college applications? Job applications? Grad school applications?
Jon Acuff tells this chilling story, which should scare anyone thinking of ever applying for college, for a great job, or for graduate school or medical school. Jon writes this: "Recently, I talked to a CEO I know. During the conversation he told me his company had...
Genius Reason to Get Your Kid on LinkedIn.com at Age 14
Every day since your child was a toddler, she’s been bumping into and forming relationships with professional people who have careers in every sector of the job market. Do you realize this? Your daughter may have met a software engineer at a technology company when...
Got a Kid Headed to College This Fall? This Genius Strategy Helps Students Get the BEST POSSIBLE Set of College Classes
Imagine your 19-year-old daughter walking into an enormous 10-story library. She chooses four books at random, and then walks up to the checkout desk and pays $25,000 for the chance to check them out. It sounds unthinkable, but this is the exact method many students...
Could Your Kid End Up Wealthier by NOT Going To College?
There are many students who should not be attending four-year colleges and universities. Why? Because these students are desperately needed in well-paying jobs that require more specialized kinds of training than four-year colleges can provide. Read on, and I'll help...
Must Watch Video for Parents
Are you a parent wondering if student loan debt is really that big a deal? Watch this powerful, entertaining video by Adam Carroll at TEDx UWMilwaukee. It'll be the best 15 minutes you'll spend on your kid this year.
Your Kid Just LOVES That Expensive Out-of-State College? Here’s What it Takes to Get In-State Tuition in All 50 States
You and your 10th grader are researching colleges, and all at once you're both about to jump out of your chairs. You've found a college that sounds absolutely perfect. There's only one problem. It's out-of-state and so extra expensive. This college is a fantastic...
The 5 Ways INTERNSHIPS Increase Post-College Earning Power
That fancy name on your kid’s college diploma? It hardly matters. So sorry if this is hard to hear. In the 21st century, paid internships are the crown jewel of the college education. Top college students aim to find, apply for, and work at one, two, or three paid...
Education and Career? Fine; OK. But Here’s the REAL ROUTE to Building Long Term Financial Security
When I was a child, my mother said to me: "Jeannie, do you know why many old people have barely enough to get by, but Grandma and Grandpa have enough money to take nice trips? It's because Grandma reuses her aluminum foil." I laughed at the time, but it was true....
3 Reasons Every Teen Needs A Part-Time Job
Your teen's schedule is already filled to bursting with sports practices, homework for advanced classes, and—of course—enrichment activities that will supposedly "make her look good on college applications." Your family has plenty of money to provide this girl...