You’re with extended family at Thanksgiving, and while you’re setting the table or washing dishes together—you want to say something about the fun, inspiring, exciting debt-free college journey your family's on. What do you say? Mention how fun and reassuring and...
College Anxiety Articles
3 Ways to RELIEVE PRESSURE for Students Ages 12–26
Students today are under extraordinary pressure—much of it completely unnecessary. (I'm an academic strategist—I know what I'm talking about regarding "completely unnecessary.") Today, let's look at three ways parents can relieve pressure for students ages 12–26, and...
What’s the #1 Best-Selling College Financial Aid Book?
In 2021, my book LAUNCH hit #8 on Book Authority's list of 51 Best-Selling College Financial Aid Books of All Time. I was excited! But then I thought: "OK—which book is the #1 best-selling college financial aid book of all time?" I was overjoyed to see that the #1...
The Kids Will Be OK! The Teachers Have Superpowers
Teachers everywhere want you to know—the kids are going to be OK. The teachers are going to see to it. If you're a parent, here's all you really need to do right now. (It's not much.) Teachers are telling us:Parents, you can find additional caring help here: The...
Hope for Your Kid’s Future During COVID-19
Parents isolated at home with children, teens, and college students are saying to themselves, "Yikes—I need hope for my kid's future during COVID-19." Hope is here. Here, 7 reasons to have hope for your kid's future during COVID-19. Pass this on to a friend who needs...
Debt-Free College Training—Fast and Easy
Watch just one of the short, succinct video trainings below, and you'll be on the fast track to getting the kids you love through college debt-free. If you've got a bright, capable middle schooler or high schooler headed for college—you're probably wondering, "How...
How to Use the Full Focus Planner
How can college students keep themselves focused and organized, so they're in the best position to get the highest grades possible—preferably while studying less than most other people? My recommendation to students is, use the Full Focus Planner. The Full Focus...
Is Your Parenting Ratcheting Up Your Teen’s Anxiety?
Teen anxiety is at an all-time high. How can parents help? Or at least quit ratcheting up teen anxiety and making it worse? Some of the root causes of teen anxiety are things parents don't have much control over—such as our culture's senseless obsession with elite...
Reduce Study Time By Putting Your Laptop Away
Ask any student, "How'd you like to study less—while still getting the highest grades possible?" The response will be a resounding, "Are you kidding? Yes!" A student who figures out how to reduce study time while still achieving high grades is freed to pursue paid...
Tee Your Kids Up For Career Success (In Just 2 Min.)
You desperately want your kids to succeed academically in school and in college so they can have a shot at lifetime career success—but cajoling and hovering and pushing them is just so exhausting. Here’s fantastic help that will take you under two minutes to...
What Nobody’s Saying About the College Scandal
By now you've heard about the college admissions scandal that has television celebrities such as Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin (and 48 other parents and college staff) facing prison time for falsifying college application information and paying bribes as high as...
Elite Education Leads to a Happier Life. True or False? (AUDIO)
Is it really true that expensive, elite private education is so enriching that it automatically leads to a happier, more fulfilled life after college? What does the research say? Join me, Jeannie Burlowski, for episode 2 of the Launch Your Teens podcast, and you'll...
The Meme Every Kid Needs to See
Here it is—the meme every kid needs to see. Copy and forward this meme to the kids you love right now. When you’re a parent, it feels great to know you’re taking practical steps to set your kid up for successful college and career life. For clear, step-by-step help...
Manage All Your Kids’ College Planning—Mostly By Yourself
If you're concerned that you're currently LATE to college planning, read this article now. College planning can feel like being lost in a jungle. And sadly, your kid's high school guidance counselor (nowadays more properly called a "school counselor,") can't help much...
“Oh, No—We’re Late to College Planning!”
If you're worried that you're late to college planning, here's immediate help. Watch just one free, fast-paced 10-minute training video here. Whether your child's currently in middle school or in high school, you've probably had it happen to you: the sudden jolt of...
These Top CEOs Went to College WHERE?
Your child feels a lot of pressure to "get into a good college." Starting in 8th grade—or even earlier, he's had the lie pounded into his head: "If you don't get into a good college, you won't be able to get a good job when you graduate." This lie can cause...
How to Make Friends Before Arriving on Campus
During high school, your teen didn't have to think much about how to make friends. Friendships developed naturally out of middle school connections, and with any luck they flourished in the classrooms and activities that were regular parts of the high school...
5 Ways Parents Head Off College Anxiety
This article is for you whether you've got a high schooler or a college student experiencing college anxiety. When Samantha was in 10th grade, her Dad offered her a great suggestion. "Sam, why don't we get your guidance counselor to sign you up for...
Teen Constantly Angry? It Could be “Launch Anxiety.”
15-year-old Luke had been in a dark, angry mood all day long, starting from the moment his mother wished him a cheerful, "Good morning!" and set hot scrambled eggs and a fresh hot caramel roll in front of him at the breakfast table. Luke ate in broody silence, and his...
12th Grader’s Got No Career Direction? Do This—Right Now.
Your 12th grader hasn't yet figured out "what he wants to do with his life," and it's making you nervous. You absolutely don't want him living in your basement next year—partially for fear he'll turn into one of those 20-something kids floundering through their 20s...