Careers Articles

5 Jaw-Dropping Debt-Free College Ideas in 32 Minutes

5 Jaw-Dropping Debt-Free College Ideas in 32 Minutes

Today I'm giving you 5 jaw-dropping debt-free college ideas in just 32 minutes. You'll learn these ideas by listening to me being interviewed on attorney Steve Richardson's Financial Freedom podcast. (Listen while you're getting ready in the morning or emptying the...

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“My Kid’s Not Choosing the Career I Want For Her!”

“My Kid’s Not Choosing the Career I Want For Her!”

Your daughter's not choosing the career you want for her, and you're understandably disappointed. Take heart, there may be hope for her yet. Ask her if she'll take the career assessments I discuss in this article. (The professionally interpreted assessments I...

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Huge Earning Potential for Young People Skilled in a Trade

Huge Earning Potential for Young People Skilled in a Trade

You've assumed for years that your kid would probably go to 4-year college. But what if your kid could make more money, have less debt, spend fewer years in school, and enjoy greater career joy by becoming skilled in a trade? Huge career potential for kids skilled in...

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Parenting a Late Bloomer? Here’s Help.

Parenting a Late Bloomer? Here’s Help.

Most of my time on this blog is spent helping parents get their teens and college students to careers they'll love as quickly as possible. This makes sense—because years spent dragging feet in underemployment or treading water in undergrad can be expensive. But what...

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Will a Minimum Wage Job Cover Rent? Anywhere?

Some kids decide not to go to college after high school. This can work out great—if they opt for high quality job training instead of heading off to 4-year college. But what if your kid wants to work a minimum wage job in the years after high school? Is there any hope...

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Tee Your Kids Up For Career Success (In Just 2 Min.)

Tee Your Kids Up For Career Success (In Just 2 Min.)

You desperately want your kids to succeed academically in school and in college so they can have a shot at lifetime career success—but cajoling and hovering and pushing them is just so exhausting. Here’s fantastic help that will take you under two minutes to...

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3 Reasons Every Teen Needs A Part-Time Job (AUDIO)

3 Reasons Every Teen Needs A Part-Time Job (AUDIO)

This episode also includes a hilarious idea for making your teen want to go out and get a part-time job!Join me, Jeannie Burlowski, for episode 4 of the Launch Your Teens podcast, and you'll learn: 1. How working a part-time job increases the odds that a teen will be...

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The Sweaty Truth About Sports Scholarships

The Sweaty Truth About Sports Scholarships

Parents of athletes fork out thousands to cover sports expenses over the years. Many wonder, "Is all this time, effort, and money going to pay off big when this kid gets to college?" Here, the sweaty truth about sports scholarships. 1. The truth about sports...

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These Top CEOs Went to College WHERE?

These Top CEOs Went to College WHERE?

Your child feels a lot of pressure to "get into a good college." Starting in 8th grade—or even earlier, he's had the lie pounded into his head: "If you don't get into a good college, you won't be able to get a good job when you graduate." This lie can cause...

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My Best Debt-Free College Interview Yet

My Best Debt-Free College Interview Yet

To listen to my best debt-free college interview yet, click here. Listen while you're driving or getting ready in the morning, and you just might change the life of a student you love. In March of 2018 I was interviewed by Andy Earle, a Loyola Marymount University...

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8 Reasons Google’s Managers Are Wildly Successful

8 Reasons Google’s Managers Are Wildly Successful

Back in 2009, researchers in Google's People Innovation Lab spent an entire year finding the answer to one question: "What makes managers wildly successful?" According to this Inc. article, Google put all the resources at its disposal into data-mining "performance...

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Half of Americans Regret Their Higher Ed Decisions?! Why?

Half of Americans Regret Their Higher Ed Decisions?! Why?

The last thing you want is for your child to make a series of expensive higher ed decisions, and then regret them later. How can you help your kids to avoid making regrettable higher ed decisions? An epidemic of regret Regret over higher ed decisions has reached...

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Life-Changing, Entertaining Book For Students Ages 18–29

Life-Changing, Entertaining Book For Students Ages 18–29

The 20s are a critically important time of life. Young men and women who maximize their 20s tend to have far better lives than those who don't. I know this, because I've read the book The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter—And How to Make the Most of Them...

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Two Extra Years in College Could Cost Your Kid $300,000

Two Extra Years in College Could Cost Your Kid $300,000

When you imagine your daughter's future, you probably don't envision her spending extra years in college. Yet, according to the National Center for Education Statistics, only 40% of college students earn their bachelor's degrees in four years. And only 60% of college...

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5 Strategies For Getting Hired Right Out of College

5 Strategies For Getting Hired Right Out of College

Parents love the idea of their 20-something kids getting hired right out of college. Preferably into well-paying jobs that use all the knowledge these kids have amassed during college. Many parents are dismayed, though, when they find out that colleges don't actually...

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Buy LAUNCH Before 1/11/17 — Get Bonuses Worth $248

Buy LAUNCH Before 1/11/17 — Get Bonuses Worth $248

Today I'm announcing the extra bonuses your family will receive if you purchase LAUNCH by January 11, 2017. Bonus #1 You and your immediate family will be invited to attend an online MasterClass with live Q&A with me, the author -- at no charge to you. This online...

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What’s College Life Like on an Army ROTC Scholarship?

What’s College Life Like on an Army ROTC Scholarship?

Military service isn't for everyone. But before you disregard the help that the U.S. military provides to college students, let's look at a few details about it. The U.S. military awards generous four-year college scholarships to students who: Are U.S. citizens...

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YOU Can Raise Creative, Confident, Innovative Kids

YOU Can Raise Creative, Confident, Innovative Kids

The last thing you want to do is raise a child who's just a dull drone, pouring out memorized facts as though facts have the power to save the world. You want to raise a child who will be valued in a future workplace for being creative, confident, and innovative. But...

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Top 5 Lies We Tell Kids About College

Top 5 Lies We Tell Kids About College

This post is a scary one. But read all the way down to the red print at the bottom and I'll give you a boatload of hope about college. 1. "If you don't get into a good college, you won't be able to get a good job when you graduate." This statement is completely and...

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6th Graders Need to Know THIS About Choosing Career

6th Graders Need to Know THIS About Choosing Career

"Jeannie, are you serious?  We need to talk to 6th graders about career?" Yes.  And if not in 6th grade, then as soon as possible after that.  Why?  Because when your child is in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade, his or her brain is growing faster than at any time since...

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Your Kid Actually CAN Get Through College Debt Free

Your Kid Actually CAN Get Through College Debt Free

I'm always most able to inspire people when I talk to them face-to-face. The video above gives me the chance to do that, for you, right now. Click the play button above now; watch for just two minutes. And let this excited, hopeful feeling wash over you:  Kids at all...

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Why College Students RUN to Work at UPS Each December

Why College Students RUN to Work at UPS Each December

Most college students would love to earn significant money while on a December college break. Tell the students you care about—UPS may be the place to apply (for more reasons than just the paycheck). What does UPS provide in addition to a paycheck?   A lot. 1....

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Why “Follow Your Passion!” is Terrible Career Advice

Why “Follow Your Passion!” is Terrible Career Advice

"We need to see you right away," the anxious mom told me on the phone, her voice shaking. "Our son is $40,000 in debt from a history degree he's not going to complete, and now he's changing his major to music performance. At this rate, it's going to take him seven...

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Worried About the New PSAT Coming Up October 14th?

Worried About the New PSAT Coming Up October 14th?

Parents nationwide are worried about how standardized tests for college entrance are changing. If your child is taking the PSAT exam this coming October 14th, you may be wondering how it will be different from the old PSAT, and what your child should be doing in order...

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Today, a Great Comic For You to Read!

Today, a Great Comic For You to Read!

Today I'm featuring a great "Sheldon" comic that I think everyone should read. To see the entire comic, click here: To read and enjoy more wonderful Sheldon comics, click here. To find out how you can help your 15 -...

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The TEDx Talk Every Parent Needs to Hear

Today I'm featuring a 16 minute TEDx talk on student loan debt by Adam Carroll. This is a must-listen for every parent.   Listen while you're getting ready for work in the morning, commuting, or cooking dinner.  It'll change everything you've ever believed about...

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Easily Get Into Harvard—And Pay 70% Less For It?!?

Easily Get Into Harvard—And Pay 70% Less For It?!?

Would you like your child to have a Harvard education, but without the nerve-wracking admissions pressure or astronomical tuition cost? If this sounds good to you, you might seriously consider the Bachelor of Liberal Arts (ALB) degree at the Harvard Extension School...

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Genius Reason to Get Your Kid on at Age 14

Genius Reason to Get Your Kid on at Age 14

Every day since your child was a toddler, she’s been bumping into and forming relationships with professional people who have careers in every sector of the job market.  Do you realize this? Your daughter may have met a software engineer at a technology company when...

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Hi, I’m Jeannie Burlowski.

I am a full-time academic strategist, conference speaker, and author of the book “LAUNCH: How to Get Your Kids Through College Debt-Free and Into Jobs They Love Afterward.

My writing and speaking provide parents a clear, step-by-step checklist so they can set their kids up to succeed brilliantly in college, graduate debt-free, and move directly into careers they excel at and love.

For more than 20 years, I’ve helped students apply to highly competitive law, medical, business, and grad schools. I still do that from my website

I am married, and my husband and I have a son and a daughter. We live in Minneapolis.

More about me …

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