What Nobody’s Saying About the College Scandal

What Nobody’s Saying About the College Scandal

By now you've heard about the college admissions scandal that has television celebrities such as Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin (and 48 other parents and college staff) facing prison time for falsifying college application information and paying bribes as high as...

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12 Ways to Get Grad School Paid For

12 Ways to Get Grad School Paid For

So, your kid just got into law school, medical school, or graduate school. That's great! Now you're wondering, "What can students do to get these programs paid for?" Here are the 12 ways I give to my clients at GetIntoMedSchool.com. Share this article with a student...

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Could Graduating High School With an AA Degree Hurt a Kid?

Could Graduating High School With an AA Degree Hurt a Kid?

Today I'm writing on topic I never, ever thought I would. Could graduating high school with an AA degree in any way do a student more harm than good? My eyes are bugging out just writing that. Could graduating high school with an AA degree HURT your kid? For many moms...

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How to Skyrocket the Growth of Your Teen’s Brain

How to Skyrocket the Growth of Your Teen’s Brain

Dr. Charles Fay of LoveandLogic.com is an expert at helping parents grow a teen's brain by leaps and bounds—while helping adults enjoy a less stressful, more fun family life. Dr. Fay recently said this on the subject of growing a teen's brain: "At Love and Logic®, we...

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Forget Being Supermom—Just be “Good Enough Mom.”

Forget Being Supermom—Just be “Good Enough Mom.”

Psychologist Dr. Henry Cloud, co-author of the life-changing Boundaries books and The Mom Factor, says that today’s moms will do more good for their families by giving up “the Supermom model of motherhood, which never worked anyway,” and instead relaxing into being a...

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Secret Weapon for Multiple Choice Tests

Secret Weapon for Multiple Choice Tests

Which of these multiple choice testing strategies have you never heard of before? That's your new secret weapon. Share this article with a student you care about. 1. Before you start, note the structure of the test and plan your timing. Here's a nightmare you want to...

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How to Get a Teen to Read a Non-Fiction Book

How to Get a Teen to Read a Non-Fiction Book

In a world where kids seem perpetually tied to their phones, how can you get a teen to read a non-fiction book? In some homes, families are starting up a revolutionary new family tradition. They’re giving each family member an actual, physical book as a gift, and then...

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Top 9 Books I Most Love for Parents and Students

Top 9 Books I Most Love for Parents and Students

Books make great gifts. Why? Because a carefully chosen book can literally change a life. In this short article I share the top 9 books I most love for parents, 20-somethings, and students ages 12 and up. (Are you worried that your teen won't read a non-fiction book?...

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The Meme Every Kid Needs to See

The Meme Every Kid Needs to See

Here it is—the meme every kid needs to see. Copy and forward this meme to the kids you love right now. When you’re a parent, it feels great to know you’re taking practical steps to set your kid up for successful college and career life. For clear, step-by-step help...

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Should You Fill Out the FAFSA on Your Phone?

Should You Fill Out the FAFSA on Your Phone?

This article has been updated. You’ll find my most current information about the FAFSA financial aid form here. (See you over there!) —Jeannie Burlowski It’s a reference book, so nobody reads the whole thing cover to cover. Pick out what you need to read in it using...

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The Sweaty Truth About Sports Scholarships

The Sweaty Truth About Sports Scholarships

Parents of athletes fork out thousands to cover sports expenses over the years. Many wonder, "Is all this time, effort, and money going to pay off big when this kid gets to college?" Here, the sweaty truth about sports scholarships. 1. The truth about sports...

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Do Families Need to Hire College Consultants? Really?

Do Families Need to Hire College Consultants? Really?

The dad sitting by you in the soccer bleachers tells you that he's not worried about his kids' college planning—because he's hired a $5,000 college consultant to engineer the whole thing for him. You wonder, "Is this what parents have to do nowadays? Hire college...

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“Oh, No—We’re Late to College Planning!”

“Oh, No—We’re Late to College Planning!”

If you're worried that you're late to college planning, here's immediate help. Watch just one free, fast-paced 10-minute training video here.  Whether your child's currently in middle school or in high school, you've probably had it happen to you: the sudden jolt of...

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The 5 Love Languages, Explained with Burritos

The 5 Love Languages, Explained with Burritos

By this time nearly everyone's heard of Gary Chapman's book, The 5 Love Languages. It's sold over 11 million copies, it's the 12th most popular book on Amazon (where it has more than 13,000 5-star reviews), and it's been a New York Times Bestseller 8 years running....

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Hi, I’m Jeannie Burlowski.

I am a full-time academic strategist, conference speaker, and author of the book “LAUNCH: How to Get Your Kids Through College Debt-Free and Into Jobs They Love Afterward.

My writing and speaking provide parents a clear, step-by-step checklist so they can set their kids up to succeed brilliantly in college, graduate debt-free, and move directly into careers they excel at and love.

For more than 20 years, I’ve helped students apply to highly competitive law, medical, business, and grad schools. I still do that from my website GetIntoMedSchool.com.

I am married, and my husband and I have a son and a daughter. We live in Minneapolis.

More about me …

Hi, I'm Jeannie Burlowski.

My background as an academic strategist provides ideal foundation for me to help parents of kids ages 12–26 set those kids up to graduate college debt-free, ready to jump directly into careers they excel at and love.

I do this primarily through my book LAUNCH: How to Get Your Kids Through College Debt-Free and Into Jobs They Love Afterward. LAUNCH provides parents clear, step-by-step instructions for this journey. 

Regular readers of my free email newsletter get additional help from me. Gentle reminding about what to do when, and first access to my live and online sessions, strategy updates, and TRIBE Membership.

My team and I are leading a debt-free college revolution. We hope you'll join us!

Hi, I'm Jeannie Burlowski.

My background as an academic strategist provides ideal foundation for me to help parents of kids ages 12–26 set those kids up to graduate college debt-free, ready to jump directly into careers they excel at and love.

I do this primarily through my book LAUNCH: How to Get Your Kids Through College Debt-Free and Into Jobs They Love Afterward. LAUNCH provides parents clear, step-by-step instructions for this journey. 

Regular readers of my free email newsletter get additional help from me. Gentle reminding about what to do when, and first access to my live and online sessions, strategy updates, and TRIBE membership.

My team and I are leading a debt-free college revolution. We hope you'll join us!

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