The Twenties Articles

3 Ways to RELIEVE PRESSURE for Students Ages 12–26

3 Ways to RELIEVE PRESSURE for Students Ages 12–26

Students today are under extraordinary pressure—much of it completely unnecessary. (I'm an academic strategist—I know what I'm talking about regarding "completely unnecessary.")  Today, let's look at three ways parents can relieve pressure for students ages 12–26, and...

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For Happiest Parenting—Use the Enforceable Statement

For Happiest Parenting—Use the Enforceable Statement

What's more aggravating and frustrating than giving kids or teens a direct order, and then they ignore it? Try this brilliant parenting tip from the psychologists at use the enforceable statement. What is an "enforceable statement"? Say the effective...

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“My Kid’s Not Choosing the Career I Want For Her!”

“My Kid’s Not Choosing the Career I Want For Her!”

Your daughter's not choosing the career you want for her, and you're understandably disappointed. Take heart, there may be hope for her yet. Ask her if she'll take the career assessments I discuss in this article. (The professionally interpreted assessments I...

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Melanie Lockert’s Jolting Student Loan Debt Wake-Up Call

Melanie Lockert’s Jolting Student Loan Debt Wake-Up Call

Melanie Lockert of Los Angeles, California tells about the jolting student loan debt wake-up call she had right after completing grad school. Lockert's jolting student loan debt wake-up call Lockert had wisely worked multiple part-time jobs throughout school, and for...

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How to Use the Full Focus Planner

How to Use the Full Focus Planner

How can college students keep themselves focused and organized, so they're in the best position to get the highest grades possible—preferably while studying less than most other people? My recommendation to students is, use the Full Focus Planner. The Full Focus...

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Is Your Parenting Ratcheting Up Your Teen’s Anxiety?

Is Your Parenting Ratcheting Up Your Teen’s Anxiety?

Teen anxiety is at an all-time high. How can parents help? Or at least quit ratcheting up teen anxiety and making it worse? Some of the root causes of teen anxiety are things parents don't have much control over—such as our culture's senseless obsession with elite...

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Parenting a Late Bloomer? Here’s Help.

Parenting a Late Bloomer? Here’s Help.

Most of my time on this blog is spent helping parents get their teens and college students to careers they'll love as quickly as possible. This makes sense—because years spent dragging feet in underemployment or treading water in undergrad can be expensive. But what...

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Pay For College by Renting Out Your Kid’s Bedroom?

Pay For College by Renting Out Your Kid’s Bedroom?

Your son or daughter will be leaving for college soon, and it's just hit you how much you'll be paying out of pocket for tuition, room and board, and other college-related expenses. How can you pay high college bills—without piling debt onto the kid you love? You...

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In College? Do This and Slash Your Student Loan Debt

In College? Do This and Slash Your Student Loan Debt

If you're currently in college—or if you're a parent who's taken out dreaded Parent PLUS loans—you'd love for a hero in a red cape to swoop down and tell you how to slash your student loan debt. The hero is here. 1. Slash your student loan debt by applying for...

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Tee Your Kids Up For Career Success (In Just 2 Min.)

Tee Your Kids Up For Career Success (In Just 2 Min.)

You desperately want your kids to succeed academically in school and in college so they can have a shot at lifetime career success—but cajoling and hovering and pushing them is just so exhausting. Here’s fantastic help that will take you under two minutes to...

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Having Marijuana in this Form is a Felony

Having Marijuana in this Form is a Felony

With all the national conversation around legalizing marijuana, many teens are jumping to the uninformed conclusion that it's low-risk for them. Experts, however, are extremely worried about the impact of marijuana on developing adolescent brains. Not only that—but...

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12 Ways to Get Grad School Paid For

12 Ways to Get Grad School Paid For

So, your kid just got into law school, medical school, or graduate school. That's great! Now you're wondering, "What can students do to get these programs paid for?" Here are the 12 ways I give to my clients at Share this article with a student...

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Secret Weapon for Multiple Choice Tests

Secret Weapon for Multiple Choice Tests

Which of these multiple choice testing strategies have you never heard of before? That's your new secret weapon. Share this article with a student you care about. 1. Before you start, note the structure of the test and plan your timing. Here's a nightmare you want to...

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Top 9 Books I Most Love for Parents and Students

Top 9 Books I Most Love for Parents and Students

Books make great gifts. Why? Because a carefully chosen book can literally change a life. In this short article I share the top 9 books I most love for parents, 20-somethings, and students ages 12 and up. (Are you worried that your teen won't read a non-fiction book?...

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The Meme Every Kid Needs to See

The Meme Every Kid Needs to See

Here it is—the meme every kid needs to see. Copy and forward this meme to the kids you love right now. When you’re a parent, it feels great to know you’re taking practical steps to set your kid up for successful college and career life. For clear, step-by-step help...

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The 5 Love Languages, Explained with Burritos

The 5 Love Languages, Explained with Burritos

By this time nearly everyone's heard of Gary Chapman's book, The 5 Love Languages. It's sold over 11 million copies, it's the 12th most popular book on Amazon (where it has more than 13,000 5-star reviews), and it's been a New York Times Bestseller 8 years running....

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Dropping a Kid at College Feels Like a Train Wreck

Dropping a Kid at College Feels Like a Train Wreck

You've just dropped a son or daughter off at college for the first time—or you'll be doing so soon. Part of you knows you should be getting a lifetime achievement award for making it this far, but instead, dropping a kid at college may feel like a train wreck in your...

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Grisham NAILS IT in this Novel About Law School Debt

Grisham NAILS IT in this Novel About Law School Debt

I recently read a fantastic John Grisham novel that contained a surprise for me that made my hair stand on end. What was it? The principal characters were all coping with horrific law school debt. I've spent my entire professional life getting college students and...

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My Best Debt-Free College Interview Yet

My Best Debt-Free College Interview Yet

To listen to my best debt-free college interview yet, click here. Listen while you're driving or getting ready in the morning, and you just might change the life of a student you love. In March of 2018 I was interviewed by Andy Earle, a Loyola Marymount University...

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Oh, No — I’m MARRIED to Student Loan Debt

Oh, No — I’m MARRIED to Student Loan Debt

If your spouse has student loan debt, what does that mean for your financial future? What can you do now that will keep you safe throughout the decades ahead, even if something bad happens? Immediately address the biggest thing you must worry about when your spouse...

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The 5 Essential Elements of Wellbeing

The 5 Essential Elements of Wellbeing

In their book Wellbeing, authors Tom Rath and Jim Harter outline what they call “the five essential elements of wellbeing." Think about your kids as you read this list: Physical Wellbeing Social Wellbeing Community Wellbeing Financial Wellbeing Career Wellbeing  I...

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Why and How to Stop Multitasking

Why and How to Stop Multitasking

On the surface, it seems as though multitasking would make a great productivity tool. After all, if you can book a plane ticket and quickly shoot off an email while you're on a phone meeting at work, why not? Haven't you just masterfully killed two birds with one...

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4 Amazingly Easy Steps to Get Out of Debt

4 Amazingly Easy Steps to Get Out of Debt

If you as a parent are out of debt by the day your kid starts college, you'll have more cash on hand to help with college bills. If you start the process of getting out of debt years before your kid starts college, you'll have more cash on hand to save for college....

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Life-Changing, Entertaining Book For Students Ages 18–29

Life-Changing, Entertaining Book For Students Ages 18–29

The 20s are a critically important time of life. Young men and women who maximize their 20s tend to have far better lives than those who don't. I know this, because I've read the book The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter—And How to Make the Most of Them...

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Happiest College Breaks Start with These Boundaries

Happiest College Breaks Start with These Boundaries

You're a loving parent—so of course you want to make your kid's future college breaks as warm and memorable as possible. But will you be able to do that if your newly-flown offspring comes home snarly and inconsiderate? What if your newly-minted college student...

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Hi, I’m Jeannie Burlowski.

I am a full-time academic strategist, conference speaker, and author of the book “LAUNCH: How to Get Your Kids Through College Debt-Free and Into Jobs They Love Afterward.

My writing and speaking provide parents a clear, step-by-step checklist so they can set their kids up to succeed brilliantly in college, graduate debt-free, and move directly into careers they excel at and love.

For more than 20 years, I’ve helped students apply to highly competitive law, medical, business, and grad schools. I still do that from my website

I am married, and my husband and I have a son and a daughter. We live in Minneapolis.

More about me …

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