You’re with extended family at Thanksgiving, and while you’re setting the table or washing dishes together—you want to say something about the fun, inspiring, exciting debt-free college journey your family's on. What do you say? Mention how fun and reassuring and...
High School Articles
This Fun, Easy Game Helps Kids Learn to Accept Responsibility
Today I'm featuring an article by Dr. Henry Cloud that'll help your kids learn to accept responsibility—using a funny, easy game that just might become an ongoing joke in your family. Dr. Cloud writes this about helping kids learn to accept responsibility: "My...
Debt-Free College Online Event—Sponsored by High School Students!
High school students in California put on their own live, online debt-free college event... ...with a nationally-known author as their guest! Students at your local high school could do this exact same thing—using the clear easy instructions at the bottom of this...
3 Ways to RELIEVE PRESSURE for Students Ages 12–26
Students today are under extraordinary pressure—much of it completely unnecessary. (I'm an academic strategist—I know what I'm talking about regarding "completely unnecessary.") Today, let's look at three ways parents can relieve pressure for students ages 12–26, and...
For Happiest Parenting—Use the Enforceable Statement
What's more aggravating and frustrating than giving kids or teens a direct order, and then they ignore it? Try this brilliant parenting tip from the psychologists at use the enforceable statement. What is an "enforceable statement"? Say the effective...
It’s January! Should We Sign Kids Up to Take Real College Classes in High School This Coming Fall?
If you haven't yet signed up your 10th or 11th grader to take college classes in high school next fall—it's OK. It may not be too late. "Tell me more about students taking real college classes in high school." In the majority of states nationwide, 11th and 12th...
What’s the #1 Best-Selling College Financial Aid Book?
In 2021, my book LAUNCH hit #8 on Book Authority's list of 51 Best-Selling College Financial Aid Books of All Time. I was excited! But then I thought: "OK—which book is the #1 best-selling college financial aid book of all time?" I was overjoyed to see that the #1...
Debt-Free College? Really? YEP. Start Here.
Debt-free college? Is that even possible for ordinary families? YEP. No matter your current income level, and even if your kids don't get a single scholarship. Debt-free college is achievable. Here's the starting line. Recently, did an article on me. They...
Two Sentences to Help Your Teen Achieve More This Year
You'd love to help your teen achieve more this year—but motivating teens can be so hard. And you have limited time and energy for trying anything fancy. Here—2 sentences that can help your teen achieve more this year. Throw these sentences into family conversation...
Hope for Your Kid’s Future During COVID-19
Parents isolated at home with children, teens, and college students are saying to themselves, "Yikes—I need hope for my kid's future during COVID-19." Hope is here. Here, 7 reasons to have hope for your kid's future during COVID-19. Pass this on to a friend who needs...
Got an 11th or 12th Grader Headed For College?
Below, I give you 10 minutes of fast-paced video training created specifically for parents of 11th and 12th graders. If you've got a bright, capable 11th or 12th grader headed for college—you're probably wondering, "How are we going to pay for that?" You're especially...
Got a 9th or 10th Grader Headed For College?
Below, I give you 10 minutes of fast-paced video training created specifically for parents of 9th and 10th graders. If you've got a bright, capable 9th or 10th grader headed for college—you're probably wondering, "How are we going to pay for that?" You're especially...
Debt-Free College Training—Fast and Easy
Watch just one of the short, succinct video trainings below, and you'll be on the fast track to getting the kids you love through college debt-free. If you've got a bright, capable middle schooler or high schooler headed for college—you're probably wondering, "How...
Don’t Miss This FREE Debt-Free College Newsletter
One of the greatest services I provide to the public is my debt-free college newsletter, which you can have delivered straight to your email inbox every Monday morning. Open this newsletter every Monday, and you'll keep debt-free college at the top of your mind as...
How Important is High School Homework—Really?
Today I'm featuring an important guest post by Dr. Charles Fay of Charles' book From Bad Grades to a Great Life! Unlocking the Mystery of Achievement for Your Child is one of the most highly recommended resources on this website. You can get wise...
Achieve More While Doing LESS Part 1 (AUDIO)
We've all had those days. You have a mountain of work in front of you that you genuinely want to get done, but you find yourself procrastinating. Struggling to focus. Failing to get tasks completed. What's the problem? It's probably not that your time management...
Will a Minimum Wage Job Cover Rent? Anywhere?
Some kids decide not to go to college after high school. This can work out great—if they opt for high quality job training instead of heading off to 4-year college. But what if your kid wants to work a minimum wage job in the years after high school? Is there any hope...
To Increase Academic Success, Ask Your Teen This, Now
Many teens believe deep down that academic success is only for "smart people." For kids that got lucky at birth and were granted more brainpower than others. Nothing could be further from the truth. Research by experts such as Stanford's Carol Dweck tells us that the...
Reduce Study Time By Putting Your Laptop Away
Ask any student, "How'd you like to study less—while still getting the highest grades possible?" The response will be a resounding, "Are you kidding? Yes!" A student who figures out how to reduce study time while still achieving high grades is freed to pursue paid...
7 Ways to Encourage Teen Summer Jobs—Starting Now
Teens tend to think summer jobs are all about the money—but parents know different. The very act of getting off of the couch, identifying job opportunities, and then actively going after those opportunities builds life skills into your teens that they'll need long...
5 Ways to Keep Kids From Living Off You in Their 20s (AUDIO)
Most parents worry at least occasionally: "What if these kids don't find good jobs and become independent adults? What if they want to lie around on my couch until they're 30?" Join me, Jeannie Burlowski, for episode 6 of the Launch Your Teens podcast, and you'll...
Tee Your Kids Up For Career Success (In Just 2 Min.)
You desperately want your kids to succeed academically in school and in college so they can have a shot at lifetime career success—but cajoling and hovering and pushing them is just so exhausting. Here’s fantastic help that will take you under two minutes to...
5 Ways Teens Can Save Earnings—Without Damaging Financial Aid (AUDIO)
Your daughter's 15 or older, and she's earning and saving her own money. Whooo hoo! But wait—just a minute. Could the money she's saving in her own name end up sabotaging future college financial aid awards? Learn the sobering answer here—along with 5 safe, legal ways...
3 Reasons Every Teen Needs A Part-Time Job (AUDIO)
This episode also includes a hilarious idea for making your teen want to go out and get a part-time job!Join me, Jeannie Burlowski, for episode 4 of the Launch Your Teens podcast, and you'll learn: 1. How working a part-time job increases the odds that a teen will be...
Make Your Teen Into a Brilliant, Frugal Money Manager (AUDIO)
Your kids won't think today's strategy is funny, but you will—when you watch them scrambling to make a dollar stretch until it screams. Ha ha ha ha! Join me, Jeannie Burlowski, for episode 3 of the Launch Your Teens podcast, where you'll learn the most loved parenting...
Could Graduating High School With an AA Degree Hurt a Kid?
Today I'm writing on topic I never, ever thought I would. Could graduating high school with an AA degree in any way do a student more harm than good? My eyes are bugging out just writing that. Could graduating high school with an AA degree HURT your kid? For many moms...
STARTING POINT: All the Basics You Need to Know Right Now (AUDIO)
If you're a parent and you've just found this, you're probably thinking: "Oh, wow—seriously? There's help for getting my kids through college debt-free, and into great jobs after college? I had no idea this kind of help was available! Am I late starting this? Yikes, I...
Secret Weapon for Multiple Choice Tests
Which of these multiple choice testing strategies have you never heard of before? That's your new secret weapon. Share this article with a student you care about. 1. Before you start, note the structure of the test and plan your timing. Here's a nightmare you want to...
How to Get a Teen to Read a Non-Fiction Book
In a world where kids seem perpetually tied to their phones, how can you get a teen to read a non-fiction book? In some homes, families are starting up a revolutionary new family tradition. They’re giving each family member an actual, physical book as a gift, and then...
Top 9 Books I Most Love for Parents and Students
Books make great gifts. Why? Because a carefully chosen book can literally change a life. In this short article I share the top 9 books I most love for parents, 20-somethings, and students ages 12 and up. (Are you worried that your teen won't read a non-fiction book?...
The Meme Every Kid Needs to See
Here it is—the meme every kid needs to see. Copy and forward this meme to the kids you love right now. When you’re a parent, it feels great to know you’re taking practical steps to set your kid up for successful college and career life. For clear, step-by-step help...
Do Families Need to Hire College Consultants? Really?
The dad sitting by you in the soccer bleachers tells you that he's not worried about his kids' college planning—because he's hired a $5,000 college consultant to engineer the whole thing for him. You wonder, "Is this what parents have to do nowadays? Hire college...
Manage All Your Kids’ College Planning—Mostly By Yourself
If you're concerned that you're currently LATE to college planning, read this article now. College planning can feel like being lost in a jungle. And sadly, your kid's high school guidance counselor (nowadays more properly called a "school counselor,") can't help much...
The 5 Love Languages, Explained with Burritos
By this time nearly everyone's heard of Gary Chapman's book, The 5 Love Languages. It's sold over 11 million copies, it's the 12th most popular book on Amazon (where it has more than 13,000 5-star reviews), and it's been a New York Times Bestseller 8 years running....
5 Ways Parents Head Off College Anxiety
This article is for you whether you've got a high schooler or a college student experiencing college anxiety. When Samantha was in 10th grade, her Dad offered her a great suggestion. "Sam, why don't we get your guidance counselor to sign you up for...
The Most Important Thing About High School? It’s Not Grades
Many families mistakenly believe that the most important thing about high school is getting good grades—so students can "get into a good college when they graduate." Not true. What is the most important thing about high school? In my work as an academic strategist,...
Fewer Screens * More Cheerful Chores * Happier Summer
Carol kicked off her work shoes and put them away in the front hall closet. "Hi, kids! I'm home!" She called out. It'd been an extremely long workday for Carol, and the commute home had been long and sweaty due to heavy road construction and her car air conditioning...
URGENT Info For Parents of 9th Graders
Today I'm helping financial professionals across the nation to spread the word. There's urgent financial aid info for parents of 9th graders. Yes I'm serious—9th graders. Parents, there are some things you need to know right now—so you can carefully protect your...
3 Reasons Every Teen Needs A Part-Time Job
Your teen's schedule is already filled to bursting with sports practices, homework for advanced classes, and—of course—enrichment activities that will supposedly "make her look good on college applications." Your family has plenty of money to provide this girl...