Your Med School Application—So Strong It Both Gets You In, And Gets You Money 

I wrote this article on creating a strong med school application at the request of the Harvard Crimson.

You’d love to put together a med school application so strong that it both gets you in, and gets you money to help pay for med school.

Other students are accomplishing this—you can too.

Do you know the one specific principle that can take an average, dull med school application, and make it so outstanding—so riveting—that it inspires med schools to not just let you in, but also to give you money to help pay for med school as well?

Building your application around this one specific principle works—even if you have lower grades and test scores.

Learn this one specific principle, and you can completely revolutionize the content of your med school application.

How do I know this?

Because I’m a professional academic strategist, and I’ve been helping students get into med school for 25 years at my website,

Here, in a nutshell, is some of my best med school application advice.

In your main med school application essay, focus your efforts on constructing a flawlessly well-reasoned argument in your own behalf.

I use the word “argument,” but of course I would never want you to sound argumentative. (I want you to sound warm, and personal, and likable, and human.)

In this context—argument means communication that beautifully persuades, but doesn’t have a tone that sounds or feels argumentative.

In your med school application, think of yourself as a lawyer arguing the most important case of your career.

To do this effectively, you’ll need to know the three component parts of argument that lawyers use when arguing cases in court.

The three component parts of argument start with the letters E, A, and C.

Neglect just one of these three components, and your med school application will feel weak and unconvincing—no matter how many times you rewrite it.

Weave these three components together effectively, though—and you’ll have the med school admissions committee saying, “Wow. This makes absolutely perfect sense. I don’t even have a question about this. It’s totally clear to me that this person should be in medical school.”

If the med school application you have now is not getting this reaction, you’ve missed the boat and you need help.

You didn’t learn about argument at this level while you were in undergrad? That’s OK—most people don’t learn about creating argument at this level unless they make it to the third year of law school.

(If you’re thinking of hiring an application essay consultant that can’t explain what E, A, and C are—run away and don’t look back.)

I can give you inexpensive help with this right now—today.

Read on, and then watch the fast-paced 9-minute video below, and you’ll have everything you need to create a flawlessly well-reasoned, powerfully convincing med school personal statement so strong that it can also get you money to help pay for your education.

Hi, I’m Jeannie Burlowski.

I’m a professional academic strategist who—for over 25 years—has been helping med school applicants like you get the “Wow!” reaction they’re hoping for.

In recent years I’ve become known for the book I wrote, LAUNCH: How to Get Your Kids Through College Debt-Free and Into Jobs They Love Afterward—but helping med school applicants is where I got my start—and it’s still my favorite thing I do every day.

You’re a med school applicant? You’re exactly who I most love to help.

My client list is full of successful med school applicants who came to me worrying that their grades and MCAT scores weren’t high enough—or that they had nothing interesting to say in their med school application essays.

I helped every one of them get the “Wow!” reaction, and today—right here—I’m going to help you too.

No matter who you are, you can put together a “Wow!” med school application.

If you’ve been struggling with this—if you feel like you’re pounding on a door you can’t get open—I can give you the keys that make the lock turn easily and the door swing open wide.

I can help you right now—this week.

Watch the free 9-minute video below and I’ll explain how we’ll do this.

Let me teach you a new essay structure—one that beats “introduction-body-conclusion” hands down.

“Introduction–body–conclusion” is an informative essay structure that doesn’t work for persuasion.

Let me teach you a different structure, one that works far better for an application essay. A structure that makes room for all your greatest accomplishments without ever sounding scattered, disorganized, or disjointed.

In the short video below, I explain how to use one 3-hour video class from me to create all your med school application essays on your own.

Watch the free, 9-minute video below right now, and then forward this article on to a medical or grad school applicant you care about.

Forward this article on to your parents and ask them to pay for my 3-hour video class for you.

And what if you get stuck while crafting your med school application essays on your own?

I offer one free 50-minute phone consultation to anyone who asks.

Use the instructions below to ask me for a free 50-minute phone consultation. This free 1:1 phone session will be tailored just for you. Other pre-med students have told me that this free 1:1 phone consultation was eye-opening—exactly what they needed. To schedule this 1:1 session with me, just go to my website and click on GET HELP NOW.

After you complete my 3-hour video class, use the powerfully convincing essay you create to apply for scholarships.

Take the med school application personal statement that my 3-hour video class helps you craft, and then tweak it and use it over and over again to apply for 100 different scholarships to pay for the rest of undergrad, and pay for med school.

Here’s how you’ll use my 3-hour video class to craft a powerfully convincing med school application personal statement:

The above 9-minute video is free.

Purchase my 3-hour application essay writing class here.

Want to meet a few of my clients? Read their testimonials.

Taking the MCAT soon? Read my helpful article on what to eat before testing.

Help us spread the word about this!

Copy this entire article and paste it right into your college, university, or student organization newsletter or website. Put a link to it in your Facebook group! Just include the words “By Jeannie Burlowski.”

Do you have younger siblings?

I provide clear, step-by-step help to parents who want to get kids ages 12–18 through college debt-free—without relying on scholarships.

I do this primarily through the book I wrote. (Guess where I got all the good ideas in this book? From talking to med school applicants for 25 years!)

Important—> It’s a reference book, so nobody reads the whole thing cover to cover. Pick out what you need to read in it using the fast-paced, 10-minute video instructions here.

You can see hundreds of reviews of this book on Amazon by going to:

You can see why financial advising professionals love LAUNCHhere.

You can see the top 9 questions parents are asking me about LAUNCHhere.

Read just one chapter of LAUNCH every 1–3 months while your child’s in middle school and high school, and you’ll know every viable strategy for debt-free college at exactly the right time to implement it.

And if your child’s already well past middle school? That’s OK; you can run to catch up. But the process of getting your kids through college debt-free goes more smoothly the earlier you start it—especially if you’re not planning to save up any money to pay for college.

Let's you and I walk together toward the goal of debt-free college for your kids.

We can accomplish this no matter your current income level—even if your kids never get a single scholarship.

Your first step is getting regularly scheduled, free helpful articles from me—right in your email inbox. Quick, sign up here.

Do you have very specific questions for me about debt-free college and career for your kids?

My TRIBE Members get the most direct access to me—while feeling good that the pennies per day they spend on the TRIBE help me bring debt-free college strategy to families who could never afford to pay for it. Join my TRIBE Membership waiting list here.

Who is Jeannie Burlowski?

Jeannie is a full-time academic strategist, podcast host, and sought-after speaker for students ages 12–26, their parents, and the professionals who serve them. Her writing, speaking, and podcasting help parents set their kids up to graduate college debt-free, ready to jump directly into careers they excel at and love. Her work has been featured in publications such as The Huffington Post, USA Today, Parents Magazine, and US News & World Report, and on CBS News.

Jeannie also helps students apply to law, medical, business, and grad school at her website You can follow her on Bluesky

No part of this article was written using AI.

Purchase my 3-hour application essay writing class here.

This article was updated on August 3rd, 2023.

Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


Hi, I'm Jeannie Burlowski.

I'm a full-time academic strategist, speaker, and podcast host, and I’m the author of the book LAUNCH: How to Get Your Kids Through College Debt-Free and Into Jobs They Love Afterward.

My writing, speaking, and podcasting help parents set their kids up to graduate college debt-free and move directly into careers they excel at and love.

My work has been featured in publications such as The Huffington Post, USA Today, Parents Magazine, and US News & World Report, and on CBS News.

I also help students apply to law, medical, business, and grad school at my website You can follow me on Bluesky

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