
It’s my live, in-person speaker presentations that are most transformative for families.

To get straight to my speaker contact info, scroll to the red print below.

You need to hire a speaker—or maybe you’re thinking about attending one of my live events.


You’re wondering, “What kind of a speaker is Jeannie Burlowski?”

I am a seasoned, experienced platform speaker. I have over 20 years experience inspiring audiences of students ages 12–26, their parents, and the professionals who serve them.

To see what students and adults say about my live speaking, scroll down.

To get a sample of my live speaking, listen below.

The video you see below is me, live in my studio, recording Episode 1 of my Launch Your Teens Podcast. Share this video with parents you’re hoping to attract to your event, and they’ll tell their kids, “We have got to get Jeannie Burlowski’s deeper content. We’re buying plane tickets and going to hear her speak in person!”

You’re welcome to share this video everywhere. Just copy this link: bit.ly/launchyourteenspodcast.

Let’s talk on the phone about you possibly having me at your event.

I travel all over the United States for speaking. I love meeting your people, and I love answering individual questions for them after I speak.

To locate my speaker contact information, scroll to the red print below.

My sessions are ideal for students ages 12–26, their parents, and the professionals who serve them.

I frequently speak to all of those people, all in the same room, all at the same time. 

Parents, pay your teens to attend these sessions if necessary. Just 10 minutes in one of these sessions, and they’ll be hooked.

To see what students, parents, and the professionals who serve them are saying about these live sessions—and to find out how you can access them—keep scrolling.

My most popular sessions for parents and students are:


1. How to Get Your Kids Through College Debt-Free—WITHOUT SCHOLARSHIPS!

This session is available in varied lengths, from 20 minutes, to one hour, to a full day with a lunch break and personal help from me. This session is ideal for when you want to draw lots of people to your location.

To see adult, parent, student, and other official reviews of this session, keep scrolling.


2. TRIUMPH: Hope and Guidance When College and Career Obstacles Feel Overwhelming

This is one of my most powerful sessions—and it’s available to Title 1 schools, conferences, and churches at greatly reduced cost. To learn more, contact me using the contact information printed in red below.

When I teach this session at churches and in other faith-based settings, it includes a strong, transformative faith component.

This session is available in varied lengths, from 20 minutes to one hour.

To see parent, student, and other official reviews, keep scrolling.


3. THE STRATEGIC COLLEGE STUDENT: How to Get Higher Grades While Studying Less Than Most Other People

This is a substantial, meaty 1/2-day seminar. It’s highly recommended—but not required—that students ages 12–26 and their parents attend this session together.

Attendees at your conference will want to fly in early to attend it, and will pay extra for the privilege of doing so.

This session also makes an ideal Saturday morning event at a church or school.

You can see a detailed description of this 1/2-day seminar here.


4. MAKE THEM SAY WOW: How to Write One Brilliant Scholarship Application Essay and Use it Over and Over Again

Most of my writing and speaking helps parents get their kids through college debt-free without scholarships—but students ages 12–26 who follow me often get very excited about applying for scholarships anyway.

This substantial, meaty 1/2-day seminar empowers parents and students to work together to create one brilliant scholarship application essay that can be modified and used over and over again to apply for over 100 scholarships.

It is highly recommended—but not required—that students ages 12–26 and their parents attend this session together.

Attendees at your conference will want to fly in early to attend it, and will pay extra for the privilege of doing so.

This session also makes an ideal Saturday morning event at a church or school.

See a detailed description of this 1/2-day seminar here.

There’s only one way to find out when these sessions are available either live or online.

Subscribe to my free email newsletter, and open it every Monday morning.

Student and parent reviews of these sessions are below.

My speaker contact information:

The first step to getting me to speak is having a phone conversation with me where I hear about your organization’s needs and create a plan tailored specifically for you.  Check out what parents and students are saying about my speaking below (and give a listen to what I sound like above), and then email my assistant, Natalie, at Jeannie@JeannieBurlowski.com to set up a free, no-obligation planning phone call with me. If you don’t hear back from Natalie within 24 hours, call 651-230-4240.

What are students and parents saying about my speaking?

These comments were taken directly from the evaluation forms handed in at the ends of my sessions:

43-year-old mom: “I had goosebumps at times, and feel so motivated to do something with my life after raising children. I expected to learn things to help them, but unexpectedly learned how to help myself too.

11-year-old male: “Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re great at it and very inspirational.” (The kid who said this was 11!!)

16-year-old female: “This was the best and most interesting class that I have ever been to.

43-year-old mom: “Your radical essay-writing class helped my daughter get a $5,000 (per year) four year scholarship. That’s $20K.

17-year-old male: “I am a high school student taking dual enrollment college classes. College seemed scary at the beginning of this week because of work. Tonight helped so much — it has shown me how much potential I can have.

18-year-old male: “What you said was insanely helpful. I just hope I have the motivation to put what you taught me to use. Thank you.

16-year-old male: “‘Inspired. Prepared. Excited. Confident.’ After taking this class, these are the words that represent my feelings for the college years that are to come. I really struggled with how much of an undertaking I thought college would be, but after tonight, you gave me a lot more hope. Thank you.

14-year-old female: “Thank you! I am hoping to do better this year! I am so happy my mom made me do this!

16-year-old male: “Thank you . . . You showed me a lot of things I probably never would have thought about or done on my own. I’ve learned a lot of things, including taking notes, which I never really have done too much before. It really makes college less intimidating.

13-year-old girl: “I think you are utterly brilliant and inspiring with the way you present information.

55-year-old mom: “Thank you for this informative seminar! You exude passion, and your energy is infectious.

14-year-old male: “This was awesome!

44-year-old dad: “Everything you said four years ago is working out. Ellie did CLEP and dual enrollment college classes in high school, has one scholarship, is volunteering at Regions Hospital, and is now going to be in the ER volunteering. She is planning on medical school.

16-year-old female: “I am a junior in high school taking dual enrollment college classes in high school. I was feeling overwhelmed and unorganized, and this seminar has given me the encouragement and motivation to do my very best this school year. NOW I know where to start! Thank you!

13-year-old female: “I loved how clearly you spoke. The way you taught this class made me want to be organized and succeed. Thank you!

12-year-old female: “I LOVED IT!

14-year-old male: “You are an amazing speaker!

38-year-old mom: “Thank you for sharing the information in such an organized manner. Loved the visuals and how you review as you go.

14-year-old female: “Please continue. I know I am not the only one that would like to hear you again.

15-year-old male: “You are a great, enjoyable teacher.

15-year-old male: “My mom told me to come but I thoroughly enjoyed the session.

17-year-old female: “This was great.

15-year-old female: “I loved how much energy you had.

17-year-old female: “I usually don’t pay attention during workshops, but yours was so interesting that I couldn’t get enough information out.

17-year-old male: “Thank you for taking the time to talk today. It has really helped me.

14-year-old female: “I really enjoyed the stories that you shared. The whole talk was really interesting.

Mother of unknown age: “Worth my trip across the state. I’m glad I came. Wish I knew this before my oldest five graduated to college…

52-year-old mom: “Thank you for sharing this info in such a compelling way!

15-year-old female: “I like you. The presentation was not boring at all. And a lot of presentations are. Thank you. 😉

39-year-old mom: “Your information is great! I have your book and I really am thankful for it!

48-year-old mom: “Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your have a gift. Thank you for sharing it with me today. Your workshop has inspired me.

17-year-old male: “Excellent presentation, Jeannie! Keep doing what you’re doing!

This is how parents and students feel. How do school principals and event organizers feel about my speaking?

Here’s what one high school principal wrote to me after she heard me present How to Get Your Kids Through College Debt-Free—WITHOUT SCHOLARSHIPS! in her high school auditorium:

Jeannie, I was able to watch your presentation through the 4th step. I was called away to an emergency the rest of the evening. This was very upsetting because I was so into it. Ugh! Anyway, it was extremely informative and of so much value! I’m excited to see your book. Thanks again for being here for our parents and students. I thought it was an excellent showing!!!

—Amber Schultz, Assistant Principal, Blaine High School, Andover, MN

Here’s what a large private school director of enrollment wrote when approached by someone looking for a top-notch speaker:

Jeannie Burlowski is a fantastic speaker. We have invited her to speak a total of 3 times here at Minnehaha Academy, and we have plans to have her back next year. Our current families and community members have given her outstanding response regarding her speaking style, content, additional resources, and specialty classes she teaches. She is engaging for middle school and high school students and parents. Her passion to help others succeed in life is evident and inspiring. I can’t say enough great things about Jeannie Burlowski. I would highly recommend her to any organization that wants their families to feel empowered and students to feel confident as they prepare for college and career.

—Michelle Ulland, Director of Admission and Enrollment, Minnehaha Academy, Minneapolis, MN

My speaker contact information:

The first step to getting me to speak is having a phone conversation with me where I hear about your organization’s needs and create a plan tailored specifically for you.  Check out what parents and students are saying about my speaking below (and give a listen to what I sound like above), and then email my assistant, Natalie, at Jeannie@JeannieBurlowski.com to set up a free, no-obligation planning phone call with me. If you don’t hear back from Natalie within 24 hours, call 651-230-4240.

Who is Jeannie Burlowski?

Jeannie is a full-time academic strategist, podcast host, and sought-after speaker for students ages 12–26, their parents, and the professionals who serve them. Her writing, speaking, and podcasting help parents set their kids up to graduate college debt-free, ready to move directly into careers they excel at and love. Her work has been featured in publications such as The Huffington Post, USA Today, Parents Magazineand US News and World Report, and on CBS News.

Jeannie also helps students apply to law, medical, business, and grad school at her website GetIntoMedSchool.com. You can follow her on Twitter @JBurlowski.


My Book

Get 10-minute, fast-paced video instruction on how to use this book most efficiently at bit.ly/easylaunchinstructions.

You can see reviews of this book at: bit.ly/burlowski.

Read just one chapter of LAUNCH every 1–3 months while your child’s in middle school and high school, and you’ll know every viable strategy for debt-free college at exactly the right time to implement it.

And if your child’s already well past middle school? That’s OK—you can run to catch up. But the process of getting your kids through college debt-free goes more smoothly the earlier you start it—especially if you’re not planning to save up any money to pay for college.

Hi, I'm Jeannie Burlowski.

My background as an academic strategist provides ideal foundation for me to help parents of kids ages 12–26 set those kids up to graduate college debt-free, ready to jump directly into careers they excel at and love.

I do this primarily through my book LAUNCH: How to Get Your Kids Through College Debt-Free and Into Jobs They Love Afterward. LAUNCH provides parents clear, step-by-step instructions for this journey. 

Regular readers of my free weekly email newsletter get additional help from me. Gentle reminding about what to do when, and first access to my live and online sessions, strategy updates, and TRIBE Membership.

My team and I are leading a debt-free college revolution. We hope you'll join us!

Hi, I'm Jeannie Burlowski.

My background as an academic strategist provides ideal foundation for me to help parents of kids ages 12–26 set those kids up to graduate college debt-free, ready to jump directly into careers they excel at and love.

I do this primarily through my book LAUNCH: How to Get Your Kids Through College Debt-Free and Into Jobs They Love Afterward. LAUNCH provides parents clear, step-by-step instructions for this journey. 

Regular readers of my free weekly email newsletter get additional help from me. Gentle reminding about what to do when, and first access to my live and online sessions, strategy updates, and TRIBE membership.

My team and I are leading a debt-free college revolution. We hope you'll join us!

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