Parents, I know you’ve heard the horror stories.
You’ve heard of loving mothers and fathers who sacrifice for years only to find themselves in their 50s, stressed and anxious over unkempt twenty-something children still living in their childhood bedrooms, sleeping in past noon, lounging afternoons away on parents’ couches, helping themselves to food from their parents’ refrigerators, and then staying up long hours into each night gazing into the flickering blue screens of online video games?
You know that there are hundreds of thousands of parents living this nightmare every day, right?
What are you going to do to avoid becoming that parent?
The fact is, parent, you stand a much better chance of achieving your goal of independence for your adult child if, as early as possible, you start clearly articulating this truth concerning the living situation for any high school graduate living in your house:
“Honey, we will be happy to provide free room and board to you after your high school graduation, as long as you’re enrolled in (and making successful progress through) a full-time academic or job-training program.”
Want more help from me on this subject?
Give your child every advantage in life.
Read my emphatic post recommending the must-read Meg Jay book The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter–And How to Make the Most of Them Now. You’ll find it here.
Then join my TRIBE Membership, where the first class you take inside will explain to you how to access three gold standard career assessments—administered and interpreted by a certified professional—that will help your child choose career path based on deepest interests, specific personality type, and top 5 strengths based on Gallup research. You can see testimonials about my TRIBE Membership and get on the waiting list for it here.
I’m Jeannie Burlowski, the author of this book:
Important—> It’s a reference book, so nobody reads the whole thing cover to cover. Pick out what you need to read in it using the fast-paced, 10-minute video instructions here.
You can see hundreds of reviews of this book on Amazon by going to:
You can see why financial advising professionals love LAUNCH, here.
You can see the top 9 questions parents are asking me about LAUNCH, here.
Read just one chapter of LAUNCH every 1–3 months while your child’s in middle school and high school, and you’ll know every viable strategy for debt-free college at exactly the right time to implement it.
And if your child’s already well past middle school? That’s OK; you can run to catch up. But the process of getting your kids through college debt-free goes more smoothly the earlier you start it—especially if you’re not planning to save up any money to pay for college.
Let's you and I walk together toward the goal of debt-free college for your kids.
We can accomplish this no matter your current income level—even if your kids never get a single scholarship.
Your first step is getting regularly scheduled, free helpful articles from me—right in your email inbox. Quick, sign up here.
Do you have very specific questions for me about debt-free college and career for your kids?
My TRIBE Members get the most direct access to me—while feeling good that the pennies per day they spend on the TRIBE help me bring debt-free college strategy to families who could never afford to pay for it. Join my TRIBE Membership waiting list here.
Who is Jeannie Burlowski?
Jeannie is a full-time academic strategist, podcast host, and sought-after speaker for students ages 12–26, their parents, and the professionals who serve them. Her writing, speaking, and podcasting help parents set their kids up to graduate college debt-free, ready to jump directly into careers they excel at and love. Her work has been featured in publications such as The Huffington Post, USA Today, Parents Magazine, and US News & World Report, and on CBS News.
Jeannie also helps students apply to law, medical, business, and grad school at her website You can follow her on Bluesky
No part of this article was written using AI.
This article was updated on October 12th, 2023.