Today I'm giving you 5 jaw-dropping debt-free college ideas in just 32 minutes. You'll learn these ideas by listening to me being interviewed on attorney Steve Richardson's Financial Freedom podcast. (Listen while you're getting ready in the morning or emptying the...
Podcast Interviews Articles
Greek University Jump-Starts Lives of Current College Students
What if there were an organization focused intently on improving the lives of college students all across the U.S.? There is, and it's called Greek University. What is Greek University—and how can it help my kid? Greek University provides on-campus (and...
Got Little Kids? Hear Me Interviewed on the FamVestor Podcast
If you're parenting little kids, don't miss me being interviewed on the FamVestor podcast. The FamVestor audience tends to be families with little kids, so I provided lots of debt-free college strategy for exactly that demographic. Listen to just 8 minutes of the...
Do Families Need to Hire College Consultants? Really?
The dad sitting by you in the soccer bleachers tells you that he's not worried about his kids' college planning—because he's hired a $5,000 college consultant to engineer the whole thing for him. You wonder, "Is this what parents have to do nowadays? Hire college...
My Best Debt-Free College Interview Yet
To listen to my best debt-free college interview yet, click here. Listen while you're driving or getting ready in the morning, and you just might change the life of a student you love. In March of 2018 I was interviewed by Andy Earle, a Loyola Marymount University...
Hear Jeannie Burlowski Interviewed on the “Hey, Sister!” Podcast
I was recently interviewed by Krista Gilbert on her "Hey Sister!" podcast. It was a great conversation, almost an hour, full of practical tips for anyone who loves a kid age 12 - 22. To listen to the podcast, click on Episode 19 here. Some of the topics we covered...