I wrote this article on creating a strong med school application at the request of the Harvard Crimson. You'd love to put together a med school application so strong that it both gets you in, and gets you money to help pay for med school. Other students are...
Medical School Application Articles
Do Families Need to Hire College Consultants? Really?
The dad sitting by you in the soccer bleachers tells you that he's not worried about his kids' college planning—because he's hired a $5,000 college consultant to engineer the whole thing for him. You wonder, "Is this what parents have to do nowadays? Hire college...
My Best Debt-Free College Interview Yet
To listen to my best debt-free college interview yet, click here. Listen while you're driving or getting ready in the morning, and you just might change the life of a student you love. In March of 2018 I was interviewed by Andy Earle, a Loyola Marymount University...
What Should Students Eat Before Testing?
If you're about to take the SAT or the ACT—or a big test for a class—or the LSAT, MCAT, GMAT, or GRE exam—and you just want fast advice on what to eat before testing, zoom to the numbered points below. It was my happiest phone call of the day. "Guess what!?!" said the...
TONIGHT! This Free Event Could Save You TONS on College Costs
Your kid's in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade? It's time to set him or her free to feel jazzed and excited about college. Plus -- as a parent-- learn 8 things you can do right now to keep that kid's future college costs low. I'll be covering all this in this free live event...
When the reporter from U.S. News and World Report called to ask me for an interview about MCAT prep, I immediately said yes. The changes to the MCAT that took place in April of 2015 were massive and sweeping -- so it's important that premed students don't study for it...