Community College Articles

How to Use the Full Focus Planner

How to Use the Full Focus Planner

How can college students keep themselves focused and organized, so they're in the best position to get the highest grades possible—preferably while studying less than most other people? My recommendation to students is, use the Full Focus Planner. The Full Focus...

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Could Graduating High School With an AA Degree Hurt a Kid?

Could Graduating High School With an AA Degree Hurt a Kid?

Today I'm writing on topic I never, ever thought I would. Could graduating high school with an AA degree in any way do a student more harm than good? My eyes are bugging out just writing that. Could graduating high school with an AA degree HURT your kid? For many moms...

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Can Community College Lead to a Master’s Degree?

Can Community College Lead to a Master’s Degree?

You've heard that your local community college can save you thousands on college bills due to lower tuition costs. But could community college hurt your kid's future career prospects? What if your daughter wants to get a master's degree some day? Or a Ph.D.? Will...

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Hi, I’m Jeannie Burlowski.

I am a full-time academic strategist, conference speaker, and author of the book “LAUNCH: How to Get Your Kids Through College Debt-Free and Into Jobs They Love Afterward.

My writing and speaking provide parents a clear, step-by-step checklist so they can set their kids up to succeed brilliantly in college, graduate debt-free, and move directly into careers they excel at and love.

For more than 20 years, I’ve helped students apply to highly competitive law, medical, business, and grad schools. I still do that from my website

I am married, and my husband and I have a son and a daughter. We live in Minneapolis.

More about me …

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