Huge Earning Potential for Young People Skilled in a Trade

Huge Earning Potential for Young People Skilled in a Trade

You've assumed for years that your kid would probably go to 4-year college. But what if your kid could make more money, have less debt, spend fewer years in school, and enjoy greater career joy by becoming skilled in a trade? Huge career potential for kids skilled in...

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What’s the #1 Best-Selling College Financial Aid Book?

What’s the #1 Best-Selling College Financial Aid Book?

In 2021, my book LAUNCH hit #8 on Book Authority's list of 51 Best-Selling College Financial Aid Books of All Time. I was excited! But then I thought: "OK—which book is the #1 best-selling college financial aid book of all time?" I was overjoyed to see that the #1...

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11 Delicious Foods That Boost Brain and Memory

11 Delicious Foods That Boost Brain and Memory

I love this Healthline article about 11 foods that boost brain and memory: Are you looking to especially boost brain power for academic work or standardized testing? Read an additional article: What Should Students...

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The World Waits for the Light that is You

The World Waits for the Light that is You

Your kids may very well be the ones going forth to mend the world. For clear, step-by-step help getting those kids through college debt-free and into jobs they love afterward, get a copy of my book:

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No More SAT II Subject Tests! Whoo-hoo!

No More SAT II Subject Tests! Whoo-hoo!

The College Board has announced it will no longer be providing SAT II subject tests. No more SAT II subject tests! This is great news for students! Why? Because in the past, many 12th graders found themselves lamenting, "What in the world? Some colleges I'm applying...

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Parenting Through the Pandemic

Parenting Through the Pandemic

If you're parenting through the pandemic, you're doing something that hasn't been done in this country in 100 years. Nothing—nobody—has prepared you for this. Let me give you a boost of encouragement. You are doing better than you think. Give yourself a break. Cut...

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What Makes a Good Life?

What Makes a Good Life?

What makes a good life? To find out, let's look at the longest study, ever, on human happiness. You can help your kids have happy lives by setting them up for careers they love. For clear, step-by-step help with this, get a copy of my book: [sc name="end_matter"...

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How Having Kids Helps Us in Chaotic, Uncertain Times

How Having Kids Helps Us in Chaotic, Uncertain Times

Having kids in the house keeps us looking toward the future. It constantly lifts our eyes to the horizon—to what will be years down the line. In chaotic, uncertain times, this is good for us. Especially when we say to ourselves, "I can't control what's going on in the...

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Here’s What it’s Like—Being a Parent

Here’s What it’s Like—Being a Parent

Being a parent—what's it like? Tonight, in just a few minutes after dinner, get your kids ready to open their own parachutes. I can help you get those kids (ages 12–26) through college debt-free and into jobs they love afterward. Your first step toward this goal is...

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She Believed She Could, and So She Did

She Believed She Could, and So She Did

You CAN do this! Getting your kids through college debt-free is achievable! You can achieve this great goal—you just need someone to guide you. For clear, step-by-step help getting your kids through college debt-free and into jobs they love afterward, get a copy of my...

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Push On

Push On

It takes a lot of internal fortitude to stay with the process of getting your kids through college debt-free. For clear, step-by-step help with the whole process from beginning to end, get my book:

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We are Getting Through

We are Getting Through

Getting your kid through college debt-free is just like any other endeavor in life—you get to that goal by moving forward, one step at a time. You got through that last part, didn't you? Then you are getting through. For clear, step-by-step help getting your kids...

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I’m Not Behind or Unproductive

I’m Not Behind or Unproductive

This holiday season, don't forget to have some empathy and kindness for yourself. To lessen your stress about debt-free college for your kids, read just the first two chapters of my book.

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Got Irresponsible Kids? Immediate Help Here

Got Irresponsible Kids? Immediate Help Here

Today I'm featuring an article by Debbie Pincus, MS LMHC that originally appeared on If you're worn out by parenting irresponsible kids—if you feel at a loss as to what to do about it—this article is for you. Debbie's article on parenting...

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The Genius Way to Hack the Education System

The Genius Way to Hack the Education System

Today, let's talk about a genius way you can hack the education system for any kid age 15 and up. If you'll use just one simple tool—and just about two hours of your time—you can hack the education system so that it works better for the uniquely created kids you care...

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Debt-Free College? Really? YEP. Start Here.

Debt-Free College? Really? YEP. Start Here.

Debt-free college? Is that even possible for ordinary families? YEP. No matter your current income level, and even if your kids don't get a single scholarship. Debt-free college is achievable. Here's the starting line. Recently, did an article on me. They...

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In My Keynote Address—I Made This Amazing Promise

In My Keynote Address—I Made This Amazing Promise

On Sunday, October 4th, 2020, I was the keynote speaker at the online College Planning Untangled conference. Below is a small segment of that keynote. (If you've followed me for a while—can you guess what key principle I was speaking about here?) I said: "Here's our...

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Melanie Lockert’s Jolting Student Loan Debt Wake-Up Call

Melanie Lockert’s Jolting Student Loan Debt Wake-Up Call

Melanie Lockert of Los Angeles, California tells about the jolting student loan debt wake-up call she had right after completing grad school. Lockert's jolting student loan debt wake-up call Lockert had wisely worked multiple part-time jobs throughout school, and for...

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Hi, I’m Jeannie Burlowski.

I am a full-time academic strategist, conference speaker, and author of the book “LAUNCH: How to Get Your Kids Through College Debt-Free and Into Jobs They Love Afterward.

My writing and speaking provide parents a clear, step-by-step checklist so they can set their kids up to succeed brilliantly in college, graduate debt-free, and move directly into careers they excel at and love.

For more than 20 years, I’ve helped students apply to highly competitive law, medical, business, and grad schools. I still do that from my website

I am married, and my husband and I have a son and a daughter. We live in Minneapolis.

More about me …

Hi, I'm Jeannie Burlowski.

My background as an academic strategist provides ideal foundation for me to help parents of kids ages 12–26 set those kids up to graduate college debt-free, ready to jump directly into careers they excel at and love.

I do this primarily through my book LAUNCH: How to Get Your Kids Through College Debt-Free and Into Jobs They Love Afterward. LAUNCH provides parents clear, step-by-step instructions for this journey. 

Regular readers of my free email newsletter get additional help from me. Gentle reminding about what to do when, and first access to my live and online sessions, strategy updates, and TRIBE Membership.

My team and I are leading a debt-free college revolution. We hope you'll join us!

Hi, I'm Jeannie Burlowski.

My background as an academic strategist provides ideal foundation for me to help parents of kids ages 12–26 set those kids up to graduate college debt-free, ready to jump directly into careers they excel at and love.

I do this primarily through my book LAUNCH: How to Get Your Kids Through College Debt-Free and Into Jobs They Love Afterward. LAUNCH provides parents clear, step-by-step instructions for this journey. 

Regular readers of my free email newsletter get additional help from me. Gentle reminding about what to do when, and first access to my live and online sessions, strategy updates, and TRIBE membership.

My team and I are leading a debt-free college revolution. We hope you'll join us!

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