Doors to my TRIBE Membership are currently open.
It costs just $34.99 per month to join, and you can cancel at any time. (Doors to this Membership will be closing shortly and will not reopen until September of 2025.)
If you’ve got a kid age 12–18, the stakes are high.
That help is available inside Jeannie Burlowski’s TRIBE Membership, along with community and accountability that makes the whole process more fun.
Whether the kids you care about are in middle school or in high school right now.
(Learn what other parents are saying about this—in the testimonial section below.)
The doors to my TRIBE Membership are currently open.
Act now and receive special pricing available only to those who sign up in March of 2025.
(You’ll keep your low price as long as you remain a member in good standing.)
Space is limited.
Doors open just twice each year—for 5 days in March and 5 days in September.
Act now—doors will close early if capacity is reached.
Time commitment? Just 10–15 evenings a year (or less).
Join when the doors are open and get these 7 benefits:
1. TRIBE Members get access to the author online, in a group setting, 10–15 times per year.
Just 10–15 times per year—not a big time commitment!
Read your scheduled chapter in LAUNCH, and then attend the corresponding online group meeting if you have questions or would like extra help. That’s it! No extra work for you beyond just the 10–15 online meetings each year.
Many of the parents, financial advising professionals, guidance counselors, and admissions consultants inside this TRIBE Membership think of it the way they think of their AAA Auto Club membership. “Use it only when you get stuck!”
Other members carefully put every TRIBE Membership meeting into their calendars—using our online gatherings as a way to keep accountable and keep moving toward the debt-free college goal.
You never know—someone else in the TRIBE Membership might come up with a question or idea you’ve never thought of before. We’re better together!
2. TRIBE Members get the powerful boost that comes from accountability.
You might forget to read a book on your shelf—but when you’ve got an online meeting on your calendar, you’re going to show up, be prepared, and take action when the meeting’s over.
When people are expecting you—you show up.
And showing up is what keeps you moving forward on the debt-free college and thriving career journey.
Whether the teens you care about are being cooperative right now or not—and no matter your family income level.
And if you need to miss a session? No problem. Recordings are available inside the membership for one month after each session is over.
3. TRIBE Members save time. (They get the 3-session View From The Top of the Mountain class included for free.)
Have you ever picked up your copy of LAUNCH: How to Get Your Kids Through College Debt-Free and Into Jobs They Love Afterward and thought, “I wish someone would just tell me the 10 biggest things I could do to get the kids I care about through college debt-free and into jobs they love afterward. What are the 10 strategies with biggest, fastest pay-off?”
We cover exactly that in a 3-session live online class you’ll complete first thing inside the membership.
People not in the TRIBE Membership can take this 3-session class too, but they pay $899.00 for it.
The good news for you is that a whole year in my TRIBE Membership doesn’t cost anywhere near $899.00.
(Can’t make one of the scheduled dates for this 3-session online class? A recording of each class will be available inside the membership for one month after each class is over.)
4. TRIBE Members get kids to thriving, exciting career destinations at higher rates than non-members.
If you’re reading chapter 13 in LAUNCH all by yourself, you might think, “Wow, Jeannie Burlowski really emphasizes these three career assessments! She says that these 3 assessments can easily save us $50,000—plus a ton of heartache during high school, college, and afterward. But no one else we know is doing these assessments, so I think we’re just going to blow this part off.”
TRIBE Members don’t fall prey to this.
The excitement to do these assessments runs high in the TRIBE Membership. Everyone does them—and the excitement when they do so is palpable.
TRIBE gives you high-achieving peers to run with—and this tends to lead to better, higher, bigger results.
* TRIBE Members get these assessments done at greatly reduced cost.
Time commitment for the TRIBE Membership?
Just 10–15 evenings a year (or less).
5. All TRIBE Members pay the same low monthly fee–regardless of how many kids they have.
Act now and receive special $34.99 per month pricing—available only to those who sign up in March of 2025.
(You can cancel at any time.)
Join now, during the five days the doors are open in March of 2025, and you’ll keep your low monthly price for life—as long as you remain a member in good standing.
6. TRIBE Members save money by not purchasing expensive college admissions consulting.
You’ve heard that private admission consultants can charge $5,000.00 (or more) per child—and that consulting of this kind too often pushes kids toward “dream colleges” rather than what the TRIBE Membership emphasizes: dream lives.
Some admissions consulting (in the news in 2019) even resulted in prison time for the parents who purchased it.
If you’re considering hiring a private admission consultant or a financial advising professional, ask where they got training on how to get families to the goal of debt-free college and students into jobs they love afterward. If the response is, “I walk with you through the steps in LAUNCH: How to Get Your Kids Through College Debt-Free and Into Jobs They Love Afterward and I trained in Jeannie Burlowski’s TRIBE Membership,” that might be a good person to hire.
7. TRIBE Members get to take this journey in community with others.
No more isolation. No more feeling alone reading a big thick book all by yourself.
In the TRIBE Membership, you find your people.
Whether you’re parenting middle schoolers or high schoolers—whether you’re a financial advising professional, a guidance counselor, or an admissions consultant.
We’re in it together.
"Jeannie’s TRIBE Membership is one of the best investments our family has ever made. We absolutely loved her LAUNCH book—but the most incredible things began to happen for us when we joined her TRIBE Membership.
Our favorite benefits of her TRIBE included the live, online "Q&A" sessions (with handy recordings) where we met live with Jeannie and other parents who had kids our son’s age, the discounted career assessments, and Jeannie’s live seminars, such as "THE STRATEGIC COLLEGE STUDENT: How to Get Higher Grades Than Anyone Else while Studying Less than Most Other People,” which were worth thousands of dollars to us. Our son raised his GPA significantly without stress or anxiety, and thanks to the gold standard career assessments Jeannie recommended, he walked into college confident—because data shows that his choice of major is a great idea for him as an individual.
He opened his own Roth IRA last year and contributes to it regularly, and he’s on track to graduate college debt-free (with an investment portfolio!) in less than 4 years.
To all parents avidly searching for advice on how to help your child excel in high school and in college: Follow the "blueprint" Jeannie suggests in LAUNCH, and definitely become a TRIBE Member. The small monthly charge is so small in comparison to the tremendous value you’ll receive. Being a TRIBE Member has literally saved us tens of thousands of dollars—and its resources enabled our son to attend a highly rated college at minimal cost."
"Jeannie’s TRIBE help is must-have for any parent of kids ages 12–18. Read just the chapters in her book that apply to your kid’s current month and year in school, open her free newsletter every week, and do what I did—join her TRIBE Membership as soon as you possibly can, to get live help, support, and questions answered as you go. This won’t take a lot of time, and it will likely pay off hundreds of times over for you and your kids. I’m a financial advisor and a mom of 3 kids who were all in college at the same time. I spent years learning how to make college more affordable. Save yourself all that trouble. Jeannie’s help is one of the best investments you can possibly make in the lives of your kids."
"Jeannie, you helped me get all three of my kids through college debt-free, and we only used a fraction of your ideas! My oldest son is in medical school right now—and he has a huge jump-start on keeping his med school debt low."
The doors to my TRIBE Membership are currently open.
Act now and receive special pricing available only to those who sign up in March of 2025.
(You'll keep your low price as long as you remain a member in good standing.)
Space is limited.
Doors open just twice each year—for 5 days in March and 5 days in September.
Act now—doors will close early if capacity is reached.
Time commitment? Just 10–15 evenings a year (or less).
The TRIBE Membership is built for you.
Parents of middle schoolers and high schoolers (and the professionals who serve them) use the LAUNCH book to get access to every viable strategy for getting kids through college debt-free—and into jobs they love afterward.
And because LAUNCH’s chapters are clearly labeled with kids’ current month and year in school—parents and professionals know exactly when to apply each strategy.
The strategies in the book work—even for families who don’t qualify for any financial aid (or they think they don’t), even for parents who can’t save a penny to help pay for college, even for kids who don’t get a single scholarship.
Now, in the TRIBE Membership, you can get extra help and support that I could never squeeze into a book.
Price to join in March 2025:
$34.99 per month.
(You can unsubscribe at any time.)
My team and I are leading a debt-free college revolution.
We hope you’ll join us.
"Jeannie Burlowski's TRIBE kept me ACCOUNTABLE—to keep the many aspects related to my daughter's future college education at the forefront of our focus and attention. The TRIBE kept me listening to solid information, discussing topics with my family, and engaging with our daughter about very important and timely tasks related to preparing for, finding, visiting, and applying to university. The career assessments you insist on led us to realize that our daughter may very well have a PhD in neuropsychology in her future! So she may need your help with grad school. : - ) This has been a very good investment for our family! Thank you!"
"We’ve found Jeannie’s TRIBE Membership to be incredibly valuable! Despite being familiar with some of the information, having the chance to go more in-depth and being on a schedule has helped us to stay motivated. Watching Jeannie present ‘in person’ seems to make it easier to really digest and retain the information. In the first 6 months we were in we saw all the information she provided, and found the information very useful! This is all info I wish I’d had as a teenager and young adult—and I’m so glad it’s available for our family now that we have a teenager!"
“Jeannie, thank you so much for your TRIBE! We only did a fraction of what you suggested, and we did most of it "late," yet we have still improved our status tremendously. We took dual credit classes, and we did the 3 career assessments you recommended and that was tremendously helpful. We visited some colleges, and we started filling out the common app yesterday. We had heard about CLEP but didn't understand it fully until you explained it in a TRIBE meeting. Thank you! We will be availing ourselves of this tool as well! ”
"Jeannie, the guidance you provide in your TRIBE helped us find excellent private college options that are turning out to be cheaper for us than we could have ever imagined. You have saved us over a quarter of a million dollars and opened our minds to excellent college options for our daughter. Thank you for all the sage advice we’ve received in your TRIBE!"
"Jeannie, thank you for helping us get our children to determine what they want to do for a career and then into colleges that will help them get there! Our daughter is studying on a $20K per year scholarship, and our son is at a college that has an Apprenticeship Program, an Internship Program, and a Research Study Program included. He’ll have 15 months of experience right in his career field when he graduates! Thank you!"
"Jeannie, you have been such a great resource for us and we have learned so much! We started really late, but we will be able to have our daughter graduate with very little debt, thanks to you!"
"Jeannie, you have helped me tremendously over the past year as I continue to learn how to raise a teenager entering high school. My daughter and I have taken your STRATEGIC COLLEGE STUDENT class twice—and she is applying those strategies now in high school. I have been inspired to start using a paper planner myself, and have boosted my own efficiency! You have been great!"
"Girrrl, you are the answer to somebody's prayers. You have got to make some noise."
"Jeannie, apart from you, I don’t think we would have considered [excellent quality private college] for our daughter. She’s finishing up her first year and it’s been wonderful. Next year she’ll be an RA, so it’s possible that the $5,000 dollars we had to pay this year for everything will be even less. By following your wisdom, she’s on track to not only finish college debt-free, but have several great possibilities for jobs as well. Thanks for all that you do!"
"Jeannie, thank you for your amazing resources. Truly life-changing. Keep up the great work. You are making a big difference."
"My son’s starting the first day of his freshman year at college today! He is excited and is planning on getting through school debt-free!! He likes telling people this :-). With the help of your TRIBE Membership, he got into all the colleges he applied for including his top pick, but once the financial aid packages came in, he changed his mind and is going to a local university where he can live at home, at least for the 1st year. Then he will end up doing 3 paid internships over the next 4 years to help pay his tuition also. He took dual enrollment, CLEP, and AP classes to earn credit going into college. His college advisor says that most people end up doing this engineering program over 5 years, but with all the credits our son has currently, he’ll be able to do it in far less time. Thanks for all your suggestions over the past 3 years!"
“I’m so glad I joined your TRIBE. I have to tell you. You inspired me to even take career assessments myself and go back to school debt-free. I am so fired up by your energy and knowledge.”
"Your energy in our TRIBE online sessions is contagious. Our oldest used your study strategies on his year-long Germany high school exchange last year, and went from no German to fluent by the time he came home. Thank you!"
"The Q&A Days are so valuable! It's helped me to hear about other parents' and students' problems and struggles. My son is a freshman now—but I could hear and prepare for what kinds of problems we might face in the future when he'll be a sophomore, junior, or senior."
"I LOVED being part of Jeannie's TRIBE because she vibrantly and enthusiastically explains the "why" behind so many of the recommendations in her book. It was wonderful to be able to ask questions and get answers in real-time, and, my favorite, was being able to have my kids enroll in her class "THE STRATEGIC COLLEGE STUDENT: How to Get Higher Grades While Studying Less Than Most Other People" on a timeframe that worked best for each by using the recordings only available to TRIBE Members. TRIBE Membership helped me be more strategic and intentional about helping my kids get through college debt-free and into jobs they love."
"Jeannie, you’ve helped me so much. My son received a $32,000 merit scholarship from a school with one of the top business programs in the country, you met with us and gave him personal direction toward his career goal, and I'm happy to say he applied to 4 additional scholarships just this last weekend! (You give TRIBE Members a great, effective strategy for getting kids to do that!) I appreciate all your help."
"The 1/2-day STRATEGIC COLLEGE STUDENT class that students take for free inside Jeannie's TRIBE is helpful, insightful, and effective. I had never thought about studying this way, and I'm going to be honest: I thought Jeannie was going to say what teachers have said about notes all the time. But I was very surprised and impressed. As a high school sophomore, I find this extremely helpful with the transition to college and I will be using all these strategies! Thank you so much!"
"Jeannie, with your help our daughter not only graduated FROM HARVARD with NO DEBT in 4 YEARS, she actually graduated with $50,000 in the bank… all thanks to the work you do! What a great feeling for her to be able to think about her next moves without having to worry about that debt. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
"My daughter and I recently had a one-on-one with Jeannie and she was so helpful. She has a wealth of knowledge and does an incredible job of looking at the big picture (and helping us see it too). I was surprised and thankful that she cared not just about the small part of the process for which we were meeting but about my daughter and her future as a whole."
"My daughter (age 12) and I attended your 4-hour STRATEGIC COLLEGE STUDENT workshop this past Saturday, and we started applying what we learned in the class right away. I worked with college students before I resigned from my position to focus on homeschooling my own two kids two years ago. I’ve witnessed a lot of struggles college students have due to a lack of good study habits and time management skills, but it never occurred to me that my 12-year-old would need a head start on this topic until I signed up for your class. I’m so glad we attended together."
"Jeannie, we are so grateful for what we've learned from you in your TRIBE! We are really prepared to help our daughter feel confident and happy about college, and we’re so glad we're empowering her with all your tools!
Thank you, not only for what you share with us, but also for being such a genuine and kind soul! I really see and hear Christ’s love each time I sit down to listen to a video or read a chapter in the book. Everything you tell us is chock full of your care and commitment to helping others. You are a true blessing!”
"Our family has gotten a lot out of the TRIBE so far. Some highlights have been the study strategies that involve BOUNDARIES, how to write one college/scholarship application essay that can be used over and over again, and doing a deep dive into areas of genuine interest rather than straining and stressing to be "well rounded." We appreciate all you do, and we are so grateful for your advice in your TRIBE, in your free newsletter, and in your book."
"This is exciting! I am thrilled to have the opportunity to learn more about debt-free college and all manner of educational opportunities in a way that doesn't cause (more) parental guilt. The way you delineate the steps that even middle schoolers can take, which promotes their personal agency, dovetails well with the explicit or tacit aspirations of homeschooling parents who want to craft the most advantageous education for each of their children. As a former physical therapist, I wanted my kids to have the same individualized attention that patients deserve. You lay out the blueprint that each precious student deserves. Thank you! God bless!!"
"Jeannie, you have helped my family immensely. You helped all three of my sons to get through college debt-free. You helped my eldest get into medical school, and he's doing his residency in ER work in Chicago right now. Your book is still prominently displayed in my family room!
I remember our sons pushing back at us before college, saying things like: "Everyone goes into debt when they go to college." Thanks to you, I pushed back and said "Not the ones who know how to avoid it..." Later, as they were sophomores or juniors in college, they were heard to say: "My friends at school are all in debt and they can't believe I'm not." I just wanted to THANK YOU SO MUCH!!"
Full names of parents are withheld to protect student confidentiality.
The doors to my TRIBE Membership are currently open.
Act now and receive special pricing available only to those who sign up in March of 2025.
(You'll keep your low price as long as you remain a member in good standing.)
Space is limited.
Doors open just twice each year—for 5 days in March and 5 days in September.
Act now—doors will close early if capacity is reached.
Time commitment? Just 10–15 evenings a year (or less).
I’m a full-time academic strategist, podcast host, and sought-after speaker for students ages 12–26, their parents, and the professionals who serve them. My writing, speaking, and podcasting help parents set their kids up to graduate college debt-free, ready to jump directly into careers they excel at and love. My work has been featured in publications such as The Huffington Post, USA Today, Parents Magazine, and US News and World Report, and on CBS News.
I also help students apply to law, medical, business, and grad school at my website GetIntoMedSchool.com.
My team and I are leading a debt-free college revolution. We hope you’ll join us!
I’m a full-time academic strategist, podcast host, and sought-after speaker for students ages 12–26, their parents, and the professionals who serve them. My writing, speaking, and podcasting help parents set their kids up to graduate college debt-free, ready to jump directly into careers they excel at and love. My work has been featured in publications such as The Huffington Post, USA Today, Parents Magazine, and US News and World Report, and on CBS News.
I also help students apply to law, medical, business, and grad school at my website GetIntoMedSchool.com.
My team and I are leading a debt-free college revolution. We hope you’ll join us!